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1 month ago

GitHub - LinHanlove/atom-tools: A fast, powerful, and out of the box TypeScript tool library

AtomTools is a modern JavaScript toolkit based on TypeScript, offering essential utility functions for project development. Easily import and apply these tools to simplify the development process. [ more ]
1 month ago

Weekly Web Design & Development News: Collective #552

A variety of design and development resources from Week 19, 2024, including templates, utilities, and AI tools. [ more ]
1 month ago
UX design

IDDE: The infusion of design and dev tools

Designers embrace blending design and development tools for better software creation. [ more ]
2 months ago

GitHub - epicweb-dev/react-server-components: Understand React Server Components and Server Actions by building a framework with them.

Deep experience with React and Suspense is required.
Basic understanding of Node.js is recommended for this workshop. [ more ]
2 months ago
Software development

Visual Studio Code: Unity Extension Is Now Generally Available

Microsoft released the Unity extension for Visual Studio Code, enhancing Unity development on multiple OSs.
The Unity extension offers various features like debugging, Unity-specific analyzers, and IntelliSense capabilities. [ more ]
Mouse Vs Python
3 months ago

uv - Python's Fastest Package Installer and Resolver - Mouse Vs Python

Uv by Astral is a fast package installer written in Rust, significantly quicker than pip and pip-tools.
Astral's goal is to merge Rye and uv into one tool, focusing on Python packaging. [ more ]
4 months ago
Web development

Attention Developers: Get MS Visual Studio Professional 2022 for Just $45 | Entrepreneur

Microsoft Visual Studio Professional 2022 for Windows is on sale for $44.99 (reg. $499)
Visual Studio features a 64-bit IDE and tools like IntelliCode and CodeLens [ more ]
3 weeks ago

Local Emulator for Azure Event Hubs in Preview: Offering Developers a Local Development Experience

Developers can now utilize a local emulator for Azure Event Hubs to enhance development and testing processes without relying on the cloud platform. [ more ]
1 week ago

mscript Version 4: A Scripting Language Reinvented

mscript is a simple scripting language suitable for tasks like batch files, more simplistic than PowerShell and easily transported unlike Python. [ more ]
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