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5 months ago

The Concept of Workspaces: Bit vs NPM vs NX

Workspaces are an extension of the development environment with robust tooling integration.
Bit is a build system for composable software that offers a Bit Workspace for developing Bit components. [ more ]
5 months ago

How to create your first Scala 3 app

Pre-requisites: entry-level programming skills and macOS are needed. Install VS Code and the Metals extension for Scala code. Install the required software using Coursier. Verify the installation by running scala -version in the terminal.
Create a project by creating an empty folder on your computer and navigating to it in the terminal. Run the command 'scala - init <your organization ID>/<your project name>' to generate a project structure. [ more ]
5 months ago

How to create your first Scala 3 app

Pre-requisites: entry-level programming skills and macOS are needed. Install VS Code and the Metals extension for Scala code. Install the required software using Coursier. Verify the installation by running scala -version in the terminal.
Create a project by creating an empty folder on your computer and navigating to it in the terminal. Run the command 'scala - init <your organization ID>/<your project name>' to generate a project structure. [ more ]
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