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App Developer Magazine
3 weeks ago

API Manager from WSO2 advances developer productivity| App Developer Magazine

WSO2 introduces new capabilities to enhance developer productivity in managing complex digital experiences. [ more ]
1 month ago

Copilot Workspace is GitHub's take on AI-powered software engineering | TechCrunch

AI-powered IDE like GitHub's Copilot Workspace aims to enhance developer productivity and streamline coding processes. [ more ]
4 months ago
Web development

GitHub: Top tips to make software developers more productive | Computer Weekly

Developers who understand their code are more productive
Tooling and conventions for code understanding can boost productivity
Friction in the software development process hinders productivity [ more ]
1 month ago

JetBrains Launches IDE Services to Simplify Managing Development Tools

JetBrains IDE Services offers a comprehensive suite of tools for enterprises to manage JetBrains ecosystems efficiently and improve developer productivity at scale. [ more ]
2 months ago

Puppet's devops report plumbs the benefits of platform engineering

Increased developer productivity
Platform engineering empowers more people to take responsibility for security [ more ]
4 months ago
Web development

The State of Internal Developer Portals (IDPs) - DevOps.com

Technology leaders are investing in internal developer portals to support engineering teams and improve software agility.
Improving developer productivity is a top priority for organizations, with many implementing internal developer portals to streamline workflows. [ more ]
Developer Tech News
2 months ago
Business intelligence

New OutSystems data fabric unifies data across the enterprise - Developer Tech News

OutSystems unveils significant update - Data Fabric
Data Fabric enhances data integration and developer productivity [ more ]
2 months ago
Web development

Actionforge is a VS Code Extension to Build GitHub Workflows Visually

Actionforge offers a visual node-based interface for GitHub Actions in Visual Studio Code, streamlining workflow creation.
Actionforge simplifies automation and improves productivity by allowing users to easily design and implement development workflows. [ more ]
2 months ago
Artificial intelligence

eBay's Lessons Learned about Generative AI in Software Development Productivity

Adopting commercial AI solutions like GitHub Copilot increased developer productivity at eBay.
Fine-tuning open-source Large Language Models streamlined tasks and reduced code duplication for eBay. [ more ]
Developer Tech News
2 months ago
Web development

Java remains backbone of enterprise applications

Java remains the stable backbone of enterprise applications
Cloud migration drives Java's continued prevalence [ more ]
4 months ago
Artificial intelligence

Diffblue Integrates Generative AI-Based Testing Platform With GitLab - DevOps.com

Diffblue has integrated its automated unit testing platform for Java with GitLab's DevSecOps platform to streamline regression testing and improve application quality and security.
Diffblue's AI-based platform can update tests 250 times faster than manual testing, reducing friction and bottlenecks in DevSecOps teams. [ more ]
3 months ago
Graphic design

Advice for Engineering Managers: Enabling Developers To Become (More) Creative

Be mindful of social debt in the team to avoid hampering creativity
Allow developers to tackle problems their way and shield them from unnecessary interruptions
Stimulate other knowledge domains to generate original ideas and remind developers that creativity is a learnable skill. [ more ]
1 year ago
Web development

Java Developer Survey Reveals Increased Need for Java Productivity Solutions

The report highlights the impact of microservices on Java application build and redeploy times.
Organizations are recognizing the increasing demand for improving Java developer efficiency. [ more ]
4 months ago
Web development

Developer experience is more important than developer productivity | TechCrunch

There is an obsession with measuring developer productivity
Improving developer experience is key to improving productivity [ more ]
4 months ago
Software development

Nerd/Noir Allies With DX to Improve Developer Productivity - DevOps.com

Nerd/Noir partners with DX to improve developer experiences in less than six weeks
DevOps teams can use DevEx 360 platform to measure 25 different key performance indicators [ more ]
6 months ago
Artificial intelligence

Microsoft Brings AI to Logic Apps (Standard) with Workflow Assistant in Public Preview

Microsoft has announced a workflow assistant for Logic Apps, offering developers a chat interface to access documentation and best practices.
The workflow assistant uses Azure Open AI and ChatGPT to query diverse knowledge sources related to Azure Logic Apps.
The assistant is part of Microsoft's efforts to boost developer productivity and seamlessly integrate AI into workflows. [ more ]
#developer productivity
6 months ago
Web design

Visual Studio 17.9 Preview 1: Refreshed UI, Debugging, AI, Productivity and More

Visual Studio version 17.9 preview brings improvements and features to enhance developer productivity.
Features include GitHub Copilot, IntelliSense support, memory management and debugging improvements, refreshed UI, and more.
Developers can use AI-generated git commit messages, detect memory leaks, interact with Debug Visualizers, and view #include references. [ more ]
6 months ago
Software development

Elevating Developer Experience (DevEx) in Platform Engineering - DevOps.com

Developer experience (DevEx) is crucial for software builders and encompasses tools, processes, and working environment.
Platform engineering focuses on constructing a centralized platform to serve multiple teams, improving efficiency.
DevEx in platform engineering enhances developer productivity and truncates software delivery timelines. [ more ]
6 months ago

You've Been Building Angular Apps Wrong!

Introducing microfrontends can improve web application performance and address key developer concerns.
Module Federation is a common method to integrate microfrontends and improve performance through lazy loading.
Creating separate applications for different parts of the business domain can enhance maintainability and release times. [ more ]
moredeveloper productivity
Amazon Web Services
6 months ago

Your DevOps and Developer Productivity guide to re:Invent 2023 | Amazon Web Services

Attendees at AWS re:Invent can expect sessions focused on DevOps and Developer Productivity.
The sessions will cover a range of topics, from intermediate to expert levels, and include interactive talks, workshops, and lectures.
Participants will learn about new AI capabilities and strategies to optimize and automate software development. [ more ]
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