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1 month ago
Data science

Navigating LLM Deployment: Tips, Tricks and Techniques by Meryem Arik at Qcon London

Initial proofs of concept benefit from hosted solutions, but self-hosting is necessary for scaling models to cut costs, enhance performance, and meet security needs.
Using quantization and optimizing inference can help maximize GPU resources and efficiency in deploying Large Language Models. [ more ]
2 months ago

Implementing Feature Toggling in 2024

Feature flags offer a flexible way to manage and deploy features without altering code directly.
Feature toggles can be categorized into release toggles, experiment toggles (A/B testing), and ops toggles for different purposes. [ more ]
Amazon Web Services
2 months ago

How we sped up AWS CloudFormation deployments with optimistic stabilization | Amazon Web Services

Optimistic stabilization strategy improves CloudFormation deployment times by up to 40% with CONFIGURATION_COMPLETE status
CloudFormation enables modeling and managing AWS resources through template files using various tools like AWS CLI, SAM, CDK, Application Composer. [ more ]
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