
[ follow ]
6 days ago

Ammonite REPL: How to import managed dependencies (and JAR files, too)

To load managed dependencies in Ammonite REPL, use import $ivy.`groupId::artifactId:version` syntax. [ more ]
3 months ago

5 Tools for Typescript Projects at Scale

TypeScript Project References allow for better management of dependencies in a large-scale TypeScript project.
Bit is a build system that allows for composable software and has first-class support for TypeScript components. [ more ]
LogRocket Blog
3 months ago

Exploring the Redux second generation - LogRocket Blog

Redux Toolkit 2.0 is a major update that streamlines state management in Redux apps and reduces boilerplate code.
The update includes packaging updates, removal of deprecated options, improved workflow, and updated dependencies. [ more ]
LogRocket Blog
3 months ago

Exploring the Redux second generation - LogRocket Blog

Redux Toolkit 2.0 is a major update that streamlines state management in Redux apps and reduces boilerplate code.
The update includes packaging updates, removal of deprecated options, improved workflow, and updated dependencies. [ more ]
LogRocket Blog
3 months ago

Exploring the Redux second generation - LogRocket Blog

Redux Toolkit 2.0 is a major update that streamlines state management in Redux apps and reduces boilerplate code.
The update includes packaging updates, removal of deprecated options, improved workflow, and updated dependencies. [ more ]
10 months ago

Framework | Neutralinojs

1. Neutralino.js is a lightweight cross-platform application development framework that enables developers to build applications that can run on Windows, macOS, and Linux.
2. The latest version of Neutralino.js includes improvements to its core API, a new command-line tool, and better support for native Windows, macOS, and Linux UI elements.
3. Neutralino.js has a wide range of features and functions for developers, including new APIs for creating custom applications [ more ]
1 month ago

ZIO, ZIO HTTP Server, and Scala-Cli

The article provides a simple ZIO HTTP server application example.
Instructions on setting up the ZIO dependencies and running the application were shared. [ more ]
11 months ago

Add support for compile-only dependencies (aka "provided" dependencies) Issue #817 VirtusLab/scala-cli

1. Scala CLI can be used to create interactive command line applications with an easy-to-use API. 2. Scala CLI has built-in support for parameter parsing, user input validation, and command-line completion. 3. The issue tracker is a useful resource for understanding the current state of
7mind.io blog
11 months ago

No More Orphans

1. Creating a mindfulness practice can help us better process and manage our emotions, allowing us to better connect with ourselves and with others.
2. Creating a sense of connection and belonging can help us break out of the cycle of feeling like an “orphan” and allows us to experience a
2 months ago
Marketing tech

Combining martech projects: 5 questions to ask | MarTech

Combining martech projects can increase the risk of issues cascading into each other.
Assessing the dependencies and reasons for integration is critical before combining projects. [ more ]
2 months ago
Software development

6 Common Challenges in Micro Frontends and How to Solve Them

Maintain a single source of truth for components
Reuse code across different projects and suggest changes easily [ more ]
3 months ago

Install Python packages with pip and requirements.txt

Using pip to install Python packages with requirements.txt is important for ensuring correct package versions.
The requirements.txt file is a configuration file that lists project dependencies and their versions. [ more ]
3 months ago

NumPy 2 is coming: preventing breakage, updating your code

NumPy 2 is a new major release that is backwards incompatible
The release can potentially break your code, direct dependencies, and indirect/transitive dependencies [ more ]
Python Test
4 months ago

Python Test | 211: Stamp out test dependencies with pytest plugins

Running tests in a suite can lead to dependency issues, making debugging difficult.
Plugins like pytest-randomly, pytest-reverse, and pytest-random-order can help test for and manage dependencies. [ more ]
The JetBrains Blog
1 year ago

PyCharm 2023.1.1 Is Out! | The PyCharm Blog

With this build, we've introduced some highly requested bug fixes related to the debugger and remote interpreters.We also added support for PyScript's new approach to application configuration.The Toolbox App is the easiest way to get the new version, but you can also manually download it from our website.
1 year ago

We are going to need some context here

About the show Sponsored by Microsoft for Startups Founders Hub.Connect with the hosts Join us on YouTube at pythonbytes.fm/live to be part of the audience.Usually Tuesdays at 11am PT.Older video versions available there too.Part of standard library since 3.5
Yet another thing I learned recently from Brett Cannon
"This module provides tools to manage the creation of zip files containing Python code, which can be executed directly by the Python interpreter.
1 year ago

Pyinstaller Spec File Tutorial - CodersLegacy

In this Pyinstaller Tutorial, we will discuss how to manage, modify, and use the Spec File to compile EXE's.Generating a single executable file that works flawlessly on every platform is not an easy task.That's where the PyInstaller spec file comes into play.In this article, we'll discuss what the PyInstaller spec file is and how it can be used to generate a standalone executable file.
LogRocket Blog
3 months ago
Web frameworks

Exploring the Redux second generation - LogRocket Blog

Redux Toolkit 2.0 is a major update that streamlines state management in Redux apps and reduces boilerplate code.
The update includes packaging updates, removal of deprecated options, improved workflow, and updated dependencies. [ more ]
LogRocket Blog
3 months ago

Exploring the Redux second generation - LogRocket Blog

Redux Toolkit 2.0 is a major update that streamlines state management in Redux apps and reduces boilerplate code.
The update includes packaging updates, removal of deprecated options, improved workflow, and updated dependencies. [ more ]
3 months ago
Web design

NumPy 2 is coming: preventing breakage, updating your code

NumPy 2 is a new major release that is backwards incompatible
The release can potentially break your code, direct dependencies, and indirect/transitive dependencies [ more ]
Web development
3 months ago
Web development

NumPy 2 is coming: preventing breakage, updating your code

NumPy 2 is a new major release that is backwards incompatible
The release can potentially break your code, direct dependencies, and indirect/transitive dependencies [ more ]
3 months ago
Web development

NumPy 2 is coming: preventing breakage, updating your code

NumPy 2 is a new major release that is backwards incompatible
The release can potentially break your code, direct dependencies, and indirect/transitive dependencies [ more ]
3 months ago
Web development

NumPy 2 is coming: preventing breakage, updating your code

NumPy 2 is a new major release that is backwards incompatible
The release can potentially break your code, direct dependencies, and indirect/transitive dependencies [ more ]
moreWeb development
10 months ago

Top 8 Tools for Vue.js Development in 2023

Vue.js is a popular JavaScript-based, open-source framework for building dynamic and interactive web applications.With its intuitive syntax and flexible architecture, Vue.js has gained immense traction among developers worldwide.As Vue.js continues to evolve, developers require the right tools to boost their productivity and build top-notch applications.
10 months ago

useEffect Explained: Managing Side Effects in React Applications

As experienced professionals in the field, we understand the importance of utilizing hooks to enhance your React applications.In this blog post, we will explore the role of hooks in React, with a particular focus on the useEffect hook.We'll delve into the significance of the dependency array within useEffect, providing real-world examples to demonstrate its versatility.
11 months ago

Optimizing Development Workflow

The most important thing I learned from various web-based projects, both big and small, that I have been involved in since 2014 is this:
As a software development project grows, the harmonious collaboration among its various components significantly affects the gears of development.Perhaps the two most crucial elements forming the most vital parts of these gears are the project's work items and branch strategy.
LogRocket Blog
11 months ago

Exploring Go mocking methods and the GoMock framework - LogRocket Blog

Testing and mocking are essential practices in software development that help ensure code reliability, stability, and correctness.The Go programming language has built-in support for testing, making it easier for developers to write unit tests for their code.However, testing can be challenging when dealing with external dependencies such as databases, APIs, and other services.
11 months ago
Data science

Using Azure ML to Train a Serengeti Data Model for Animal Identification

Article on Azure ML by Bethany Jepchumba and Josh Ndemenge of Microsoft In this article, I will cover how you can train a model using Notebooks in Azure Machine Learning Studio.To get the data, you will need to follow the instructions in the article: Create a Data Solution on Azure Synapse Analytics with Snapshot Serengeti - Part 1 - Microsoft Community Hub, where you will load data into Azure Data Lake via Azure Synapse.
1 year ago

Microfrontends with GraphQL: How to Simplify Data Fetching and Communication Across Microservices

In today's fast-paced digital world, businesses must quickly adapt to changing market demands and customer needs.Modern software systems need to be flexible, scalable, and easy to maintain to achieve this.As a result.microservices architecture has emerged as a popular approach to building complex and large-scale software systems that meet these requirements.
10 months ago

Setting Up Private and Public Routes and Validating Access with React Router v6

Photo by Denys Nevozhai on Unsplash As we build interactive web applications using React and React Router, security becomes a crucial aspect to consider.It is essential to ensure that only authorized users can access sensitive information by protecting certain routes.While there are various mechanisms such as access tokens or role management libraries to implement a comprehensive authentication system, in this tutorial, we will focus on implementing route access validation using React Router.
10 months ago

How I've set up eslint and prettier in Angular 16 and why I did that.

Photo by Christopher Gower on Unsplash Did you ever spend time discussing how your code should be displayed during code review?Where to enter a new line, what is the ideal indentation?Do you ever want to preserve these settings between different code editors?Do you ever wanted your code to be statically verified almost instantly (on file save :-))?
10 months ago

Routing Magic in React: Building Dynamic Web Applications

Before you dive into the blog, let me brief you about client and server-side routing.Client-side routing and server-side routing are two different approaches to handling navigation within web applications.Here's a brief explanation of the differences:
Client-side routing: In client-side routing, the routing logic is handled on the client side (in the browser).
10 months ago

useMemo Hook in React: Boosting Performance with Memoization

In React, optimizing performance is a crucial aspect of building high-performing web applications.One powerful tool in a React developer's arsenal is the useMemo hook.This hook allows for the memoization of expensive computations, resulting in improved performance and responsiveness.In this article, we will explore the useMemo hook in detail, understand its purpose, and examine real-time examples to demonstrate its effectiveness.
11 months ago

Writing CRUD REST API with NestJS and Prisma

First, install some dependencies for Prisma via the terminal.$ npm install prisma @prisma/client$ npx prisma init

Second, change the DATABASE_URL environment variable at .env from planetscale.Third, update the db provider from postgresql to mysql at prisma/schema.prisma and create a tasks model (table tasks).
11 months ago

Authentication and Authorization in NestJS

NestJS Nest is a framework for building efficient, scalable Node.js server-side applications.It uses modern JavaScript, is built with TypeScript (preserves compatibility with pure JavaScript) and combines elements of OOP (Object Oriented Programming), FP (Functional Programming), and FRP (Functional Reactive Programming).
10 months ago

From Seed to Blossom: Navigating the Lifecycle of a React App

When building a React app, it's essential to understand the lifecycle of components.The lifecycle of a React app can be compared to the lifecycle of a plant, where the app goes through various stages from its birth to its eventual removal.In this guide, we'll explore the different stages of a React app's lifecycle and learn how to use them in functional components.
11 months ago

epic-stack/managing-updates.md at main epicweb-dev/epic-stack

1. Staying up-to-date with the latest version of Epic Stack is important to ensure the best performance and security of your application.
2. It's important to evaluate the impact of any changes prior to updating to a new version of Epic Stack to ensure the best possible outcome.
11 months ago

Building a Dynamic Collapsible Sidenav with Resizable Split Screen in Angular

Imagine having a sleek and functional application with a side navigation menu that can not only collapse effortlessly but also allows users to resize it according to their preferences.Such dynamic navigation options can greatly enhance the user experience and provide a more flexible layout for your application.
1 year ago

Dependency Pinning in Node.js

There are more than 1.3 million libraries available in the NPM registry.We don't have to start from scratch.Just install the right library, and it's a piece of cake.Have you ever wondered how these libraries are installed and managed in projects?When you install a library from npm in Node.js, npm will download the package and its dependencies and store them in a local node_modules directory in your project.
1 year ago

Building a Custom React Hook for Data Fetching

React hooks have become very popular among React developers in recent times.One of the most useful hooks is the useEffect() hook.This hook allows us to perform side effects, such as data fetching, in functional components.In this article, we will explore how to build a custom React hook for data fetching using the useEffect() hook.
1 year ago

Package vs Package-lock json file

You might have definitely come across this package-lock.jsonfile if you are working on projects where Node.js is used.In this article, we will see what is package-lock.jsonfile, why it is required, and how it is different from the package.jsonfile.What is a package.jsonfile?It is a JSON file that is present in the root directory of the project and it holds important information about the project, it basically contains the metadata about the project and all the dependencies that were installed using NPM.
New Relic
10 months ago

Instrumenting serverless in AWS

Serverless applications are critical for cloud-native customers, and gaining visibility into their functions can take time and effort.This blog post will offer tips and code examples for Amazon Web Services (AWS) engineers to help set up serverless monitoring easier with New Relic.The example three-tiered application includes API Gateway, Lambda, and Amazon Relational Database Service (RDS).
11 months ago

What is GitHub Actions? Automated CI/CD for GitHub

GitHub Actions is a platform built into GitHub that automates software building, testing, and deployment.GitHub, owned by Microsoft, is a hosting service for software development using Git, an open source version control and collaboration program developed by Linus Torvalds.Git and GitHub are already used by many programmers and software shops as the basis for their development practices, including the automated continuous integration and continuous delivery pipelines that carry projects through the build, test, and deploy cycle.
New Relic
11 months ago

Analyze Amazon Security Lake Logs in New Relic

Today, New Relic is launching an integration with Amazon Security Lake, so you can collect multi-region, multi-account security data from across your microservices infrastructure and analyze that data in New Relic.By sending Amazon Security Lake logs to New Relic, you get a more complete understanding of security across your entire organization to protect your workloads and data.
11 months ago

Kubernetes Made Easy with MicroK8s: Install and Use Your Own Cluster in Minutes

Kubernetes is a powerful platform that helps you manage your containerized applications by automating many of the tasks involved in running them.It acts like a personal assistant, taking care of all the nitty-gritty details so you can focus on the bigger picture of your applications.For example, Kubernetes can automatically scale your application up or down based on demand, handle load balancing between different parts of your application, and ensure that your application is always available, even if some of the servers in your cluster go down.
1 year ago


In this tutorial I will walk you through how to build a Boto3 environment using Docker.We will use the official image of Ubuntu on Dockerhub, download three repos to the local host, create three containers with a bind mount to one of the repo directories, then log into each container and verify access to each repo directory.
What is platform engineering? Evolving devops via @infoworld
1 year ago

What is platform engineering? Evolving devops

Platform engineering is a newer idea that aims to put the lessons of real-world devops into a more concrete, reproducible form.Devops is a powerful trend in software development because it helps to break down barriers in the software development life cycle.Platform engineering can benefit software organizations by improving quality, developer experience, and the customer's time to value.
10 months ago

Actual Technical People

About the show Sponsored by InfluxDB from Influxdata.Connect with the hosts Join us on YouTube at pythonbytes.fm/live to be part of the audience.Usually Tuesdays at 11am PT.Older video versions available there too.PyStack is a tool that uses forbidden magic to let you inspect the stack frames of a running Python process or a Python core dump, helping you quickly and easily learn what it's doing.
11 months ago

Navigating Semantic Versioning In An Increasingly Packaged World

The following quote captures succinctly my experiences using packages.Hoping for the best, prepared for the worst, and unsurprised by anything in between.- Maya Angelou

Some key lessons I've taken away over the years are:
1.The Spec is only as good as the discipline of the person/group of individuals enforcing it.
Tall, Snarky Canadian
11 months ago

In response to the Changelog #526

In episode 526 of the Changelog podcast entitled, "Git with your friends", they discussed various tools involving git (disclaimer: I have been on the podcast multiple times and had dinner with the hosts of the podcast the last time they were in Vancouver).Two the projects they discussed happened to be written in Python.
11 months ago
Web frameworks

I just did a test to apply as a front end developer - and things aren't going well

As part of one of the job applications I have going I was invited to do a frontend expertise exercise.The role I am applying for is head of frontend for a company.Whilst I found it odd to have to go through this, with my track record being highly visible, I thought, why not?After all it feels sensible to make everyone do the same work to get a job, should you want to compare directly.
11 months ago

Getting Started with a New Lit Project in 2023

By now we have the app working, but let's just pretend this is version 0.1 and we want to evolve it as part of a team.That means we'll need a way to share the code, let others collaborate with it and most likely, version each component individually in case you'd also like to re-use them somewhere else.
1 year ago

How to Perform Unit Tests for UI Components

I think I have written articles about the problem of writing unit tests for UI components.Here're a few articles that I wrote that lead to the conclusion of this article here:
So the main issue can be demonstrated via the following component snippet:
In a unit test, we want to check the return elements from the render of the component; however, there are too many hidden dependencies we don't see from the explicit interface of App function, including:

(1) global dom-related dependencies
(2) API-related dependencies
(3) framework wise dependencies

Believe it or not, most of us can figure out one or two of the above hidden dependencies, but not all of them.
7 years ago
UX design

Where Do We Put The UX Tasks?

1. UX tasks should be integrated into the product development process to ensure their successful implementation and user satisfaction.
2. UX tasks should be allocated to a specific team member or department and monitored regularly to ensure that the tasks are completed on time.
3. Keeping UX tasks organized and up-to
1 year ago

Managing Large Web Applications with Monorepos and Workspaces

When building large web applications, managing code across multiple projects can be a challenge.Each project may have its own dependencies build system and deployment process.This can lead to a lot of duplication, inconsistency, and overhead.To address this, developers have turned to monorepos and workspaces to simplify the management of code.
1 year ago

Hatch: A Modern Python Workflow

In recent years, there has been a lot of experimenting how we work with dependencies and external libraries for our Python code.There is pip, pip-tools, Poetry, pdm, pyenv, pipenv, Hatch and others workflows.We dove into this deeply back on episode 406: Reimagining Python's Packaging Workflows.We're back with Ofek Lev to take a deeper look at Hatch.
LogRocket Blog
1 year ago

Debugging GraphQL APIs with Insomnia - LogRocket Blog

According to the official documentation, GraphQL is a query language for APIs and a runtime for fulfilling those queries with your existing data.GraphQL provides a complete and understandable description of the data in your API, gives clients the power to ask for exactly what they need and nothing more, makes it easier to evolve APIs over time, and enables powerful dev tools.
1 year ago

How to Navigate Between Screens in a React Native App

Oftentimes, when building a React Native app, you'll compose it from different screens like Login, Home, and About.You'll then need to implement a navigation mechanism so your users can navigate the app and access its individual screens in the right order.The purpose of this tutorial is to walk you through the process of setting up a navigation system in your React Native application.
New Relic
1 year ago

New Relic Named #1 Most Innovative in Cloud Observability by GigaOm

We are thrilled to be recognized by GigaOm as the leading innovative platform amongst 21 solution providers in the 2023 GigaOm Radar for Cloud Observability Solutions.GigaOm's evaluation criteria and metrics spanned the full breadth, from technology to market success, including-key product capabilities, product roadmap, strength of ecosystem, and execution.
11 months ago

GitHub - finom/use-0: Type-safe React application state library with zero setup

1. Use 0.8 is an open-source JavaScript library that simplifies the process of creating and managing web applications.
2. Use 0.8 offers a set of features such as powerful data binding, reusable components, and an easy-to-use API to create efficient applications.
11 months ago
UX design

Single Line Comments in CSS

1. Use single-line comments in CSS to help explain the purpose of certain sections of code for future reference.
2. Use single-line comments to describe the overall purpose of a style sheet or document.
3. Utilize single-line comments to help debug or troubleshoot
1 year ago
UX design

Unlocking the power of roadmaps

Are you having trouble aligning your UX efforts with your overall product vision?Roadmaps could be the solution!Summary Roadmaps that include UX work can help align efforts with the overall product vision.These come in three scopes: product, field, and specialty.Product roadmaps include all future problems to be solved and require collaboration across multiple departments.
11 months ago

useEffect - React

1. The useEffect hook takes two parameters - a function to run, and an array of dependencies. 2. The function to run will be executed after the component renders, and whenever the array of dependencies changes. 3. The array of dependencies can be used to control when the effect is
11 months ago

GitHub - Azure-Samples/contoso-real-estate: Enterprise-grade Reference Architecture for JavaScript

1. Azure Samples provides a comprehensive repository of code samples for leveraging Azure services for creating real estate applications.
2. Contoso Real Estate is an example of a real estate application which leverages several Azure services, such as Azure Storage, Azure Functions and Azure Cosmos DB.
3. Cont
11 months ago

How to Create Charts in Angular With Dynamic Data Using Chart.js

Hello readers!In this article, I will describe how to display dynamic data in simple bar, line, pie, and doughnut charts using the Chart.jslibrary and Angular.What is Chart.js? Chart.js is an open-source JavaScript library that is very popular among JavaScript developers.It provides a wide range of chart types, plugins, and customization options.
11 months ago

Comparing Next.js, Astro, and Remix: Navigating the Front-end Framework Landscape

Navigating the landscape of modern front-end development can feel like venturing into a jungle filled with emerging libraries and frameworks.Standing tall are three promising giants: Next.js,Astro, and Remix.Each of these front-end frameworks bring powerful features and unique approaches to the table, but which one will reign supreme in your next project?
11 months ago
Information security

How to scan container images with Docker Scout

Jack Wallen demonstrates how to scan container images for vulnerabilities and dependencies with the new Docker Scout feature.If you're deploying containers based on insecure images, the chances of your apps and services being secure is dramatically reduced.To that end, you should be doing everything you can to make sure every image you pull and use is free of vulnerabilities.
11 months ago

Steps for Designers to Create an Apps in React

Designers are the backbone of the app development industry.They bring their creativity and technical skills to the table, which results in visually appealing and user-friendly apps.Today, designers are increasingly turning to React for building mobile and web applications.React is a popular JavaScript library used for building UI (User Interface) components, and it provides designers with the flexibility to create user-friendly and high-quality apps.
LogRocket Blog
11 months ago

Getting started with Vue Select - LogRocket Blog

Forms are an integral part of the web and a key interface that people use to input data for different purposes like reporting issues, contacting businesses, or making payments online.Select forms are one type of form component we see online.We can use them to display a dropdown list of options that users can choose from.
11 months ago

How to reduce your devops tool sprawl

After spending the last decade investing in devops, many companies are experiencing a hangover of sorts: tool sprawl.While their software delivery processes have become more streamlined, more efficient, and more reliable, they also have many more tools to license, maintain, and manage.Tool sprawl is often seen as a natural result of the flexibility and empowerment of dev teams to choose their own tools, but organizations now understand the need for a single, streamlined system.
11 months ago

Nobl9 Adds Tools to Make SLO Queries More Efficient

By: Mike Vizard on
At its SLOconf event today, Nobl9 added a Query Tester tool that validates whether queries made against the data its service level objectives (SLO) management platform collects will deliver meaningful results.Nobl9's SLO management platform collects data in real-time from data sources such as New Relic, Datadog and Dynatrace to help customers meet SLOs.
1 year ago
Artificial intelligence

Honeycomb Taps ChatGPT to Simplify Observability

By: Mike Vizard on
Honeycomb today added a Query Assistant to its observability platform that uses OpenAI's ChatGPT generative artificial intelligence (AI) platform to launch queries via a natural language interface rather than having to master a query language.That capability complements an existing tool based on machine learning algorithms, dubbed BubbleUP, that DevOps teams already use to debug code.
1 year ago
Data science

How MLOps Work in the Era of Large Language Models

Large language models (LLMs) and generative AI have taken the world by storm, allowing AI to enter the mainstream and show that AI is real and here to stay.However, a new paradigm has entered the chat, as LLMs don't follow the same rules and expectations of traditional machine learning models.As such, data scientists need to find a different approach for using MLOps to find structure and create a sense of order as LLMs are developed.
1 year ago

Mezmo Adds Free Community Plan for Managing Observability Data

By: Mike Vizard on
Mezmo this week added a free trial and a community plan for the Mezmo Telemetry Pipeline service to make it simpler for DevOps teams to store and manage the large amounts of telemetry data they are collecting.Mezmo CEO Tucker Callaway said as more DevOps teams embrace observability to minimize disruptions to application environments, they are struggling to manage the explosion of data being created.
1 year ago

Device42 Brings Power and Carbon Emission Tracking to IT Asset Management

Device42 today made available a power and CO2 Summary Dashboard to its agentless platform that employs machine learning algorithms to discover and track IT assets.Raj Jalan, Device42 CEO, said the dashboard makes it possible for IT teams to combine the tracking of assets and associated dependencies with a capability that enables them to reduce power consumption costs and levels of carbon emissions.
LogRocket Blog
11 months ago

Mocking in Rust: Mockall and alternatives - LogRocket Blog

Testing is an integral part of software engineering.For beginners, writing a test case makes sure that your code does exactly what you expect it to do.Every programming language has various frameworks that help you test your code.Small pet projects can get away with not having testing in place, but as an application scales, you run into the risk of hitting a wall where you become paranoid after you push a new feature to production.
LogRocket Blog
11 months ago

Writing AWS Lambda middleware with Middy.js - LogRocket Blog

AWS Lambda is an excellent service for developing serverless applications.It enables developers to create functions that can be triggered by a variety of events without the need for server management.You can use middleware to handle common tasks like input validation, error handling, and response formatting to streamline and modularize your Lambda functions.
Opinion | In Ukraine, Putin Is Fighting, and Losing, His Last War
11 months ago
Europe news

Opinion | We Forget Nuclear Powers Have Lost Wars

In the Brezhnev era of Vladimir Putin's youth, May 9 was an occasion for Soviet militarism, a celebration of weapons and might.It could be forgotten, at least for a moment, that Leonid Brezhnev's war of choice would be fought and lost in Afghanistan less than two decades after he began the May 9 celebrations, much as what is likely Mr. Putin's last war is today being fought and lost in Ukraine.
11 months ago

Componentize Your React and Express Apps with Bit: Step by Step Guide

Modern web application architectures are built with loosely coupled components.It helps to keep the architecture lean and flexible.However, we still have to deal with existing applications that are yet to adopt these architectural styles.This article will take you through transitioning a full-stack web application into independent component architecture as follows.
11 months ago

Mastering React Components: An In-Depth Guide

React, a popular JavaScript library for building user interfaces, was developed by Facebook in 2013.With its declarative nature and component-based architecture, React enables developers to create scalable, fast, and maintainable applications.It is used for building complex applications, such as web apps, mobile apps, and even virtual reality experiences.
11 months ago

GitHub - state-less/clean-starter: Explore the power of React Server with this collection of essential backend examples. Get started quickly and learn the best practices for implementing a wide range of functionalities with React Server. Dive into real-world use cases and discover how to build modular, component-driven server-side applications with ease. Happy coding!

The @state-less/clean-starter repository is designed to provide a starting point for developers exploring React Server.It includes essential backend components, utilities, and examples that illustrate the fundamental concepts and capabilities of React Server.React Server allows the creation of server-side React components using TSX, promoting a component-driven architecture for building robust and maintainable backend solutions.
LogRocket Blog
1 year ago
Graphic design

Best icon libraries for Vue.js - LogRocket Blog

In the UI/UX field, adding icons helps create a visual indicator for a particular element (i.e., a button, or a tab header) to express the context/action without so much text.Moreover, adding icons makes the app eye-catching and friendly for users.We can add icons to our Vue.jsapps with various icon libraries that come with either font- or SVG-based icon sets.
1 year ago

UK Tax Authority Proposes Changes to Treatment of DeFi Lending, Staking

Featured Speaker Christy Goldsmith Romero

Commissioner U.S. Commodity Futures Trading Commission

Explore the policy fallout from the 2022 market crash, the advance of CBDCs and more.Sandali Handagama is a CoinDesk reporter with a focus on crypto regulation and policy.She does not own any crypto.
1 year ago

Integrating Okta SSO in a Node.js Application

Single sign-on (SSO) is a mechanism that allows users to authenticate once and access multiple applications seamlessly without the need to enter their credentials repeatedly.Okta is a cloud-based identity management platform that provides SSO capabilities to web and mobile applications.In this tutorial, you will learn how to integrate Okta SSO in a Node.js
1 year ago

New Blog Same as the Old Blog

Welcome to the new blog!Looks familiar, right?So... a month or so ago I decided it was time to start reconsidering a rewrite.Still with Eleventy of course, but I really wanted to reorganize my site and possibly clean up stuff I no longer used.My site repo ( https://github.com/cfjedimaster/raymondcamden2020)
1 year ago

Mastering Unit Testing: How to Mock Dependencies with Jest

I started to practice test-driven programming a couple of years back.Depending on each project's settings, the strictness of the unit test can vary.For instance, one project requires to have a coverage coupled so if the percentage isn't met, the code can't be committed.Therefore I have to refresh all the possible ways to mock things under Jest.
1 year ago

GitHub - iDev-Games/Trig-JS: The easy way to create CSS animations that react to the element's position on screen.

See it in action here: https://idev-games.github.io/Trig-JS/Install with NPM
Trig.js is a super simple and lightweight way of making CSS animations that react to the position of your HTML elements.You can also use Trig.js to trigger CSS animations once an element appears on screen.Using nothing but the power of CSS, HTML and Trig.js.
LogRocket Blog
1 year ago

Exploring NestJS middleware benefits, use cases, and more - LogRocket Blog

Backend developers often apply some common tasks to the requests that our service receives.Some of these tasks are applied before fulfilling the request, like authentication and authorization.Others are applied after the request is processed, but just before the response is sent, such as a log of the resource accessed.
1 year ago

Handling Form Data with TypeScript and Formik

Handling form data is a crucial aspect of building web applications.In Next.js, we can use the Formik library to handle form data in a more organized and efficient way, while also leveraging TypeScript's type checking capabilities.In this article, we'll walk through how to handle form data with Formik and TypeScript in a Next.js
New Relic
1 year ago

Faster, More Secure Delivery with JFrog and New Relic

JFrog is used by millions of developers and DevSecOps teams to manage and control their software development lifecycle.With solutions like JFrog Artifactory, the industry-standard artifact repository manager, and JFrog Xray, you can maintain high levels of security and reliability while improving compliance of your entire software supply chain from code to production.
1 year ago

Refactoring a Node.js Express Project into multiple Docker Services using a Monorepo and Lerna

If you're working on a Node.jsExpress project that needs to be split into multiple independent services, you may be wondering how to manage shared dependencies and common code.One solution is to use a monorepo and Lerna to manage your project, which can help to simplify dependency management, testing, and deployment.
1 year ago

Building a Custom React Hook for Data Fetching: A Beginner to Intermediate Guide

As a front-end developer, I often need to make API calls to retrieve data from an API endpoint.While working with React, I found myself writing similar code repeatedly to handle fetching and updating data.This led me to create a custom hook that encapsulates this logic and can be reused across multiple components.
1 year ago

How to Convert JSON Data to an Excel Spreadsheet With Angular

As a developer, you are open to facing new challenges daily in different projects you may be working on.Web applications sometimes have to perform some extra tasks to achieve different goals depending on business or technical requirements.You might need to collect data from an API and process it in a different format such as PDF, XML, DOCX, or XLSX.
1 year ago

Step-by-Step Guide to Implementing OAuth2 in a Node.js Application

OAuth2 is an authorization framework that allows applications to access a user's resources stored in another application without the need to share the user's credentials.In this blog post, we will go through the process of implementing OAuth2 in a Node.jsapplication.Step 1: Create a new Node.jsproject
Create a new Node.js
1 year ago
UK news

Sunak promises swift and robust action' to counter Chinese threat

For free real time breaking news alerts sent straight to your inbox sign up to our breaking news emails Sign up to our free breaking news emails Britain is committed to swift and robust action to counter any threat to UK national interests from China, under Rishi Sunak's updated blueprint for UK foreign and defence policy.
1 year ago

Excellent solution for React Native charting in 2023

The most used chart library for writing chart-related requirements is echarts.The performance of echarts on the website is quite mature, and the official solution is provided for the applet side, but there is no corresponding support in RN.On the market, most of the search is still based on the essence of the webview implementation, and I prefer the RN-based program, after all, the native experience will be better than the Web.
1 year ago

flox Unveils More Accessible Instance of Nix Framework

By: Mike Vizard on
This week, flox launched a more opinionated implementation of the open source Nix framework that programmatically automates package management and system configuration.Fresh from raising an additional $16.5 million in funding, flox CEO Ron Efroni said the company will also make an enterprise edition of its namesake flox framework available later this year.
Mouse Vs Python
1 year ago

PyDev of the Week: Claudio Jolowicz - Mouse Vs Python

This week we welcome Claudio Jolowicz (@cjolowicz) as our PyDev of the Week!Claudio is the author of an upcoming book titled Hypermodern Python Tooling.Claudio writes about Python on Medium.You can also see what Claudio has been working on over on GitHub.Let's take a few moments to get to know Claudio better!
1 year ago

GitHub - DEATHTINYZ/moodlody: Moodlody is an app with nature sounds to help you focus, sleep, relax and relieve stress.

Moodlody is an app with nature sounds to help you focus, sleep, relax and relieve stress.Main Page
To run this project locally, you will need to have Node.jsand npm (or Yarn) installed on your machine.Clone the repository:
git clone https://github.com/DEATHTINYZ/moodlody.git
Navigate to the project directory:
Install the dependencies:
npm install

yarn install
Run the development server:
The app will be available at http://localhost:3000.
New Relic
2 years ago

Log monitoring for cloud-native architectures

What are the challenges with log monitoring for cloud-native architectures?Historically, log monitoring was easier because most application logs had a consistent structure and format.Transforming this data and aggregating the information was simple, allowing teams to collect and analyze different logs into a single view of the environment's performance.
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