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2 months ago
Data science

New bill would greatly expand Defense Department quantum efforts

Republican lawmakers introduced Defense Quantum Acceleration Act to advance DoD's quantum technology use.
Quantum information science offers secure encryption, navigation, and potential exponential computing power. [ more ]
2 months ago
Business intelligence

Google is now authorized to host classified data in the cloud

Google Cloud Platform authorized to host secret and top-secret data for US government customers.
Accreditation enhances Google's competitiveness against AWS, Microsoft, and Oracle for Defense Department contracts. [ more ]
3 months ago

Pentagon chief is put on the defensive: Lawmakers confront Austin about his secret hospital stay

Defense Secretary Lloyd Austin made changes to improve the notification process for transferring decision-making authorities.
Concerns were raised about lapses in the command and control of the armed forces, including the country's nuclear arsenal. [ more ]
3 months ago

Austin Faces Questions About His Hospitalization From House Committee

Defense Secretary Lloyd J. Austin III faced congressional scrutiny for not disclosing his cancer surgery complications
Lawmakers criticized the lack of accountability in the review of Mr. Austin's actions during his hospitalization. [ more ]
4 months ago
US Elections

'We're sucking wind': McHenry slams Johnson's work as speaker

House Republicans' decision to not execute a deal in December has cost the Defense Department billions of dollars per month.
Drawing out the calendar and delaying votes does not lead to political or policy wins. [ more ]
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