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1 month ago

Walters: California once led in government transparency. It descended into secrecy and opacity

Transparency in California government has eroded in recent years, leading to decisions made behind closed doors and lack of meaningful debate. [ more ]
6 days ago
US news

A data tool being used to challenge voter registrations is raising many concerns

Challenges to voter registrations based on new data systems can potentially disenfranchise legitimate voters. [ more ]
6 days ago
Artificial intelligence

A data tool being used to challenge voter registrations is raising many concerns

Challenges to voter registrations occur with new data systems, potentially impacting legitimate voters.
Eagle AI software is utilized to compile voter registration challenge data. [ more ]
6 days ago
US news

A data tool being used to challenge voter registrations is raising many concerns

Challenges to voter registrations based on new data systems can potentially disenfranchise legitimate voters. [ more ]
6 days ago
Artificial intelligence

A data tool being used to challenge voter registrations is raising many concerns

Challenges to voter registrations occur with new data systems, potentially impacting legitimate voters.
Eagle AI software is utilized to compile voter registration challenge data. [ more ]
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