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1 month ago
Artificial intelligence

AI Lexicon G DW 05/17/2024

AI generates content from vast data sets including social media, news, and studies.
Generative Pre-trained Transformer (GPT) mimics human communication using language understanding. [ more ]
2 months ago

Building a Scalable Producer-Consumer application and Deploying With Scala and Deploying on...

RabbitMQ is an open-source message broker facilitating asynchronous communication through AMQP protocol. [ more ]
4 weeks ago
Data science

Is Synthetic Data a Reliable Option for Training Machine Learning Models?

Synthetic data is a promising solution for overcoming challenges in machine learning due to growing privacy concerns. [ more ]
1 week ago
Data science

How A.I. Is Revolutionizing Drug Development

The laboratory at Terray Therapeutics utilizes miniaturized automation and AI for drug discovery, generating a massive amount of data daily. [ more ]
Open Data Science - Your News Source for AI, Machine Learning & more
3 weeks ago
Data science

Trial, Error, Triumph: Lessons Learned Using LLMs for Creating Machine Learning Training Data

Large language models automate tasks and generate high-quality machine learning training datasets efficiently. [ more ]
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