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Data Matters Privacy Blog
5 months ago
EU data protection

EU Reaches Political Agreement on Cyber Resilience Act for Digital and Connected Products - Data Matters Privacy Blog

The EU has reached a political agreement on the Cyber Resilience Act, the first legislation to regulate cybersecurity for digital and connected products in the EU market.
The CRA applies to all economic operators involved in the lifecycle chain of 'products with digital elements' and has extraterritorial application. [ more ]
6 months ago
Privacy professionals

As the SEC's new data breach disclosure rules take effect, here's what you need to know | TechCrunch

The new regulation requires publicly-owned companies in the US to disclose 'material' cyber incidents within 96 hours.
Non-compliance with the regulation can lead to major consequences enforced by the SEC. [ more ]
3 weeks ago
Information security

A law directing cyber reg harmonization would 'help enormously,' White House official says

A congressional mandate for federal agencies to study cybersecurity regulation overhaul would benefit the Biden administration's cyber office. [ more ]
3 weeks ago
Information security

Congress needs to step in on cybersecurity harmonization, White House official says

Congressional action is needed to streamline the cybersecurity regulatory landscape. [ more ]
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