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Harvard Business Review
3 weeks ago
Information security

AI Will Increase the Quantity - and Quality - of Phishing Scams

The importance of top experts in computer science, cybersecurity, and AI in addressing cyber threats. [ more ]
3 months ago
Artificial intelligence

Microsoft: 87% of UK Businesses Are Unprepared for Cyberattacks

Only 13% of UK businesses are resilient to cyberattacks, 87% are at risk.
AI in cybersecurity can increase resilience and reduce costs for organizations. [ more ]
The Verge
3 months ago
Privacy professionals

Cyberattacks are targeting US water systems, warns EPA and White House

Water and wastewater systems are vulnerable to cyberattacks due to lack of resources for cybersecurity practices.
Biden administration urges states to enhance security measures for critical water infrastructure against disabling cyberattacks. [ more ]
3 months ago
Privacy professionals

So ... you've been hacked

Research institutions face cyber threats and hacking attempts regularly.
Academic institutions worldwide have experienced cybersecurity breaches. [ more ]
3 months ago
France politics

The French government says it's being targeted by unusual intense cyberattacks

Cyberattacks targeted French government services.
French officials activated a crisis center to restore online services. [ more ]
3 months ago
Privacy professionals

One reason school cyberattacks are on the rise? Schools are easy targets for hackers

School systems nationwide are increasingly at risk of cyberattacks, including ransomware demands.
Cybersecurity incidents in educational institutions can have a significant impact on daily operations and pose serious threats to sensitive data. [ more ]
Harvard Business Review
3 weeks ago
Information security

AI Will Increase the Quantity - and Quality - of Phishing Scams

The importance of top experts in computer science, cybersecurity, and AI in addressing cyber threats. [ more ]
3 months ago
Artificial intelligence

Microsoft: 87% of UK Businesses Are Unprepared for Cyberattacks

Only 13% of UK businesses are resilient to cyberattacks, 87% are at risk.
AI in cybersecurity can increase resilience and reduce costs for organizations. [ more ]
The Verge
3 months ago
Privacy professionals

Cyberattacks are targeting US water systems, warns EPA and White House

Water and wastewater systems are vulnerable to cyberattacks due to lack of resources for cybersecurity practices.
Biden administration urges states to enhance security measures for critical water infrastructure against disabling cyberattacks. [ more ]
3 months ago
Privacy professionals

So ... you've been hacked

Research institutions face cyber threats and hacking attempts regularly.
Academic institutions worldwide have experienced cybersecurity breaches. [ more ]
3 months ago
France politics

The French government says it's being targeted by unusual intense cyberattacks

Cyberattacks targeted French government services.
French officials activated a crisis center to restore online services. [ more ]
3 months ago
Privacy professionals

One reason school cyberattacks are on the rise? Schools are easy targets for hackers

School systems nationwide are increasingly at risk of cyberattacks, including ransomware demands.
Cybersecurity incidents in educational institutions can have a significant impact on daily operations and pose serious threats to sensitive data. [ more ]
1 month ago
Europe news

Russia waging shadow war on West: Estonia PM

The West should adopt a coordinated approach against Moscow's threats. [ more ]
1 month ago
Information security

LockBit takedown taking toll as gang plummets down rankings

The takedown of LockBit in February has led to Play overtaking it in cyberattack activities, with law enforcement's disruption efforts showing some success. [ more ]
4 months ago
Privacy professionals

International investigation disrupts infamous ransomware gang LockBit

Law enforcement agencies disrupt LockBit ransomware syndicate
LockBit linked to thousands of cyberattacks globally
International collaboration key in dismantling LockBit [ more ]
1 month ago
Information security

LockBit takedown taking toll as gang plummets down rankings

The takedown of LockBit in February has led to Play overtaking it in cyberattack activities, with law enforcement's disruption efforts showing some success. [ more ]
4 months ago
Privacy professionals

International investigation disrupts infamous ransomware gang LockBit

Law enforcement agencies disrupt LockBit ransomware syndicate
LockBit linked to thousands of cyberattacks globally
International collaboration key in dismantling LockBit [ more ]
The Verge
1 month ago
Information security

The EPA is cracking down on cybersecurity threats

The EPA is increasing inspections of water infrastructure due to rising cyberattack vulnerabilities. [ more ]
Fast Company
1 month ago
Information security

A new EPA cyberattack alert urges U.S. water systems to upgrade security immediately

Water utilities face increasing cyberattack threats, with 70% failing standards. Urgent action needed to protect against severe impacts like water contamination and supply disruption. [ more ]
1 month ago
Information security

US officials warn cyberattacks on water systems are increasing

Cyberattacks on water utilities are increasing in frequency and severity, with 70% of inspected utilities violating breach prevention standards. [ more ]
1 month ago
Information security

EPA warns of increasing cyberattacks on water utilities

Water utilities are increasingly targeted by cyberattacks, urging immediate protective actions by addressing vulnerabilities and enhancing cybersecurity measures. [ more ]
The Verge
1 month ago
Information security

The EPA is cracking down on cybersecurity threats

The EPA is increasing inspections of water infrastructure due to rising cyberattack vulnerabilities. [ more ]
Fast Company
1 month ago
Information security

A new EPA cyberattack alert urges U.S. water systems to upgrade security immediately

Water utilities face increasing cyberattack threats, with 70% failing standards. Urgent action needed to protect against severe impacts like water contamination and supply disruption. [ more ]
1 month ago
Information security

US officials warn cyberattacks on water systems are increasing

Cyberattacks on water utilities are increasing in frequency and severity, with 70% of inspected utilities violating breach prevention standards. [ more ]
1 month ago
Information security

EPA warns of increasing cyberattacks on water utilities

Water utilities are increasingly targeted by cyberattacks, urging immediate protective actions by addressing vulnerabilities and enhancing cybersecurity measures. [ more ]
1 month ago
Information security

Space assets are in foreign adversaries' cyber crosshairs, DOD official says

Adversaries like China and Russia are increasingly interested in disrupting American space assets through cyberattacks, focusing on ground stations transmitting data to satellites. [ more ]
Dark Reading
6 months ago
Privacy professionals

General Electric, DARPA Hack Claims Raise National Security Concerns

General Electric and DARPA have reportedly been breached, with sensitive data up for sale on the Dark Web.
GE and DARPA have been collaborating on cutting-edge research initiatives that could be attractive targets for cyberattacks. [ more ]
1 month ago
Information security

Space assets are in foreign adversaries' cyber crosshairs, DOD official says

Adversaries like China and Russia are increasingly interested in disrupting American space assets through cyberattacks, focusing on ground stations transmitting data to satellites. [ more ]
Dark Reading
6 months ago
Privacy professionals

General Electric, DARPA Hack Claims Raise National Security Concerns

General Electric and DARPA have reportedly been breached, with sensitive data up for sale on the Dark Web.
GE and DARPA have been collaborating on cutting-edge research initiatives that could be attractive targets for cyberattacks. [ more ]
1 month ago
Europe news

Germany: Former Russian consulate targeted by protesters DW 05/10/2024

Russia calls for punishment of protesters who entered former consulate in Leipzig. [ more ]
1 month ago
Privacy professionals

When has the UK faced cyberattacks in the past?

Cyberattacks are a modern form of warfare, with recent incidents involving hacking of the UK's Ministry of Defence and China-backed groups targeting British government departments. [ more ]
1 month ago
Europe news

Germany recalls envoy to Russia over cyberattack DW 05/06/2024

Germany recalls ambassador to Moscow due to state-sponsored Russian cyberattack. [ more ]
1 month ago
Europe news

Germany recalls ambassador to Russia citing cyberattacks

Germany recalls ambassador to Russia amid cyberattack allegations before Putin's inauguration. [ more ]
1 month ago
Information security

Germany blames Fancy Bear for 2023 hacking campaign

Germany attributes cyberattacks to Russian threat actor APT28, US supports attribution. [ more ]
3 months ago
EU data protection

French state services hit by cyberattacks of 'unprecedented intensity'

French state bodies hit by unprecedented cyberattacks
Government contains impact of cyberattacks [ more ]
1 month ago
Europe news

Germany: Former Russian consulate targeted by protesters DW 05/10/2024

Russia calls for punishment of protesters who entered former consulate in Leipzig. [ more ]
1 month ago
Privacy professionals

When has the UK faced cyberattacks in the past?

Cyberattacks are a modern form of warfare, with recent incidents involving hacking of the UK's Ministry of Defence and China-backed groups targeting British government departments. [ more ]
1 month ago
Europe news

Germany recalls envoy to Russia over cyberattack DW 05/06/2024

Germany recalls ambassador to Moscow due to state-sponsored Russian cyberattack. [ more ]
1 month ago
Europe news

Germany recalls ambassador to Russia citing cyberattacks

Germany recalls ambassador to Russia amid cyberattack allegations before Putin's inauguration. [ more ]
1 month ago
Information security

Germany blames Fancy Bear for 2023 hacking campaign

Germany attributes cyberattacks to Russian threat actor APT28, US supports attribution. [ more ]
3 months ago
EU data protection

French state services hit by cyberattacks of 'unprecedented intensity'

French state bodies hit by unprecedented cyberattacks
Government contains impact of cyberattacks [ more ]
1 month ago
Privacy professionals

Large-language models demand huge amounts of data. Lawmakers want to know what that means for user privacy

Requiring companies to limit data collection can help prevent cyberattacks and data breaches. [ more ]
1 month ago
Information security

Top LockBit hacker revealed to be Russian

Dmitry Khoroshev, a Russian national, was unmasked as the administrator of LockBit ransomware group, involved in high-profile cyber attacks, prompting law enforcement action. [ more ]
The Verge
1 month ago
Information security

Microsoft overhaul treats security as "top priority" after a series of failures

Microsoft is prioritizing security by tying it to compensation for senior leadership. [ more ]
Mail Online
1 month ago
Information security

FBI reveals states with the worst cybercrime - is YOUR home a target?

States like Alaska, Nevada, and Delaware are most prone to cyberattacks based on FBI data. [ more ]
3 months ago
Public health

UnitedHealth hack reveals gaps in doctors' cyberattack insurance

Providers struggle with cyberattack insurance coverage
Many providers may be underinsured for cyberattacks [ more ]
Mail Online
1 month ago
Information security

FBI reveals states with the worst cybercrime - is YOUR home a target?

States like Alaska, Nevada, and Delaware are most prone to cyberattacks based on FBI data. [ more ]
3 months ago
Public health

UnitedHealth hack reveals gaps in doctors' cyberattack insurance

Providers struggle with cyberattack insurance coverage
Many providers may be underinsured for cyberattacks [ more ]
TNW | Data-Security
3 months ago
Privacy professionals

UK says Chinese cyberattacks 'part of large-scale espionage campaign'

China accused of cyberattacks against UK democratic institutions
Allegations of cyber espionage and state-backed actors [ more ]
Mail Online
3 months ago
Privacy professionals

Chinese-backed hackers accused of targeting critical US infrastructure

The US Treasury Department imposed sanctions on Wuhan XRZ for cyberattacks.
Seven members of Wuhan XRZ were indicted by the Department of Justice. [ more ]
3 months ago
Privacy professionals

Chinese Hackers Charged in Decade-Long Global Spying Rampage

China's APT31 targeted businesses and politicians worldwide.
US and UK officials impose sanctions and criminal charges on Chinese hackers for cyberattacks. [ more ]
3 months ago
EU data protection

U.K. to Accuse China of Cyberattacks Targeting Voter Data and Lawmakers

British government expected to link China to cyberattacks on voting records
Deputy Prime Minister likely to announce sanctions against state-affiliated individuals and entities involved in attacks [ more ]
4 months ago
Privacy professionals

US says China's Volt Typhoon is readying destructive attacks

The US government confirms that China's Volt Typhoon has compromised critical infrastructure IT networks and is preparing for disruptive or destructive cyberattacks.
The targeted sectors include communications, energy, transportation systems, and water and wastewater systems across the US and its territories. [ more ]
TNW | Data-Security
3 months ago
Privacy professionals

UK says Chinese cyberattacks 'part of large-scale espionage campaign'

China accused of cyberattacks against UK democratic institutions
Allegations of cyber espionage and state-backed actors [ more ]
Mail Online
3 months ago
Privacy professionals

Chinese-backed hackers accused of targeting critical US infrastructure

The US Treasury Department imposed sanctions on Wuhan XRZ for cyberattacks.
Seven members of Wuhan XRZ were indicted by the Department of Justice. [ more ]
3 months ago
Privacy professionals

Chinese Hackers Charged in Decade-Long Global Spying Rampage

China's APT31 targeted businesses and politicians worldwide.
US and UK officials impose sanctions and criminal charges on Chinese hackers for cyberattacks. [ more ]
3 months ago
EU data protection

U.K. to Accuse China of Cyberattacks Targeting Voter Data and Lawmakers

British government expected to link China to cyberattacks on voting records
Deputy Prime Minister likely to announce sanctions against state-affiliated individuals and entities involved in attacks [ more ]
4 months ago
Privacy professionals

US says China's Volt Typhoon is readying destructive attacks

The US government confirms that China's Volt Typhoon has compromised critical infrastructure IT networks and is preparing for disruptive or destructive cyberattacks.
The targeted sectors include communications, energy, transportation systems, and water and wastewater systems across the US and its territories. [ more ]
3 months ago
Privacy professionals

US, UK sanction alleged China-based hackers for targeting voters, critics

Sanctions imposed on Chinese company and individuals for cyberattacks.
US and UK announce sanctions linking cyber-espionage to Chinese government. [ more ]
3 months ago
Information security

What resources do small utilities need to defend against cyberattacks?

Small utilities face cyberattack risks
Limited resources hinder small utilities' cybersecurity [ more ]
1 year ago
Information security

How business email compromise attacks emulate legitimate web services to lure clicks

New BE cyberattacks use phishing with a legitimate Dropbox link as a lure for malware and credentials theft.Threat actors have added a new wrinkle to traditional business email compromise cyberattacks.Call it BEC 3.0 - phishing attacks that bury the hook in legitimate web services like Dropbox.Avanan, a unit of Check Point Software, has tracked a recent example of this attack family, in which hackers created free Dropbox accounts to grab credentials or hide malware in legitimate-looking, contextually relevant documents such as potential employees' resumes.
3 months ago
Information security

What resources do small utilities need to defend against cyberattacks?

Small utilities face cyberattack risks
Limited resources hinder small utilities' cybersecurity [ more ]
1 year ago
Information security

How business email compromise attacks emulate legitimate web services to lure clicks

New BE cyberattacks use phishing with a legitimate Dropbox link as a lure for malware and credentials theft.Threat actors have added a new wrinkle to traditional business email compromise cyberattacks.Call it BEC 3.0 - phishing attacks that bury the hook in legitimate web services like Dropbox.Avanan, a unit of Check Point Software, has tracked a recent example of this attack family, in which hackers created free Dropbox accounts to grab credentials or hide malware in legitimate-looking, contextually relevant documents such as potential employees' resumes.
Mail Online
4 months ago
Privacy professionals

Warning to Facebook Marketplace users as 200,000 accounts leaked

Hundreds of thousands of Facebook Marketplace accounts have been leaked online, putting users at risk of phishing and cyberattacks.
The leaked data includes personal information such as names, phone numbers, email addresses, and Facebook profile information. [ more ]
4 months ago
Privacy professionals

Could Your Mortgage Lender Be Hacked? How to Protect Yourself

Two major mortgage lenders, Mr. Cooper and LoanDepot, experienced cyberattacks that exposed the data of over 30 million people combined.
Other companies in the mortgage industry, such as title insurance companies, have also been targeted in cyberattacks. [ more ]
Mail Online
4 months ago
Privacy professionals

Warning to Facebook Marketplace users as 200,000 accounts leaked

Hundreds of thousands of Facebook Marketplace accounts have been leaked online, putting users at risk of phishing and cyberattacks.
The leaked data includes personal information such as names, phone numbers, email addresses, and Facebook profile information. [ more ]
4 months ago
Privacy professionals

Could Your Mortgage Lender Be Hacked? How to Protect Yourself

Two major mortgage lenders, Mr. Cooper and LoanDepot, experienced cyberattacks that exposed the data of over 30 million people combined.
Other companies in the mortgage industry, such as title insurance companies, have also been targeted in cyberattacks. [ more ]
Cloud Pro
4 months ago
Software development

Why software 'security debt' is becoming a serious problem for developers

Many organizations have software security debt
Experts advise reassessing how third party code is maintained [ more ]
4 months ago
Privacy professionals

How to Boost WordPress Security and Protect Your SEO Ranking - SitePoint

The Indisputable Connection Between Website Security and SEO
Consumers expect a secure and easy shopping experience on any website they visit, including search engines. [ more ]
5 months ago
Privacy technologies

Politically motivated hacks: Moscow ISP hit in response to Kyivstar cyberattack; Taiwan bombarded with cyberattacks ahead of election

Hackers linked to Ukraine's main spy agency have breached computer systems in retaliation for a Russian cyber attack on a Ukrainian telecom giant.
Taiwan is facing an unprecedented level of cyberattacks ahead of a critical presidential election, with China being blamed for the interference. [ more ]
6 months ago
Privacy professionals

Why federal efforts to protect schools from cybersecurity threats fall short

The cost of safeguarding America's schools from cyberattacks could reach $5 billion.
Between 2018 and mid-September 2023, 386 cyberattacks on the U.S. education sector have cost schools $35.1 billion. [ more ]
6 months ago

Why federal efforts to protect schools from cybersecurity threats fall short

The cost of safeguarding America's schools from cyberattacks could reach $5 billion.
Between 2018 and mid-September 2023, 386 cyberattacks on the U.S. education sector have cost schools $35.1 billion. [ more ]
6 months ago
Information security

Why federal efforts to protect schools from cybersecurity threats fall short

The cost of safeguarding America's schools from cyberattacks could reach $5 billion.
Between 2018 and mid-September 2023, 386 cyberattacks on the U.S. education sector have cost schools $35.1 billion. [ more ]
6 months ago
Privacy professionals

Why federal efforts to protect schools from cybersecurity threats fall short

The cost of safeguarding America's schools from cyberattacks could reach $5 billion.
Between 2018 and mid-September 2023, 386 cyberattacks on the U.S. education sector have cost schools $35.1 billion. [ more ]
6 months ago
Privacy professionals

Why federal efforts to protect schools from cybersecurity threats fall short

The cost of safeguarding America's schools from cyberattacks could reach $5 billion.
Between 2018 and mid-September 2023, 386 cyberattacks on the U.S. education sector have cost schools $35.1 billion. [ more ]
6 months ago
Privacy professionals

Covenant Care patient and employee data being leaked by ransomware group

Hunters International claimed to have attacked Covenant Care and has been leaking patients' PHI and employees' personal information
Covenant Care has not publicly acknowledged the data security incident or any disruptions in services [ more ]
6 months ago
Privacy professionals

Covenant Care patient and employee data being leaked by ransomware group

Hunters International claimed to have attacked Covenant Care and has been leaking patients' PHI and employees' personal information
Covenant Care has not publicly acknowledged the data security incident or any disruptions in services [ more ]
6 months ago
Public health

Covenant Care patient and employee data being leaked by ransomware group

Hunters International claimed to have attacked Covenant Care and has been leaking patients' PHI and employees' personal information
Covenant Care has not publicly acknowledged the data security incident or any disruptions in services [ more ]
6 months ago
Privacy professionals

SEC Cyber Rules Loom Over Public Companies

Security chiefs and corporate lawyers are grappling with how much information to disclose about cyberattacks under new SEC rules.
Companies will now be required to disclose how they manage cyber risk, assess threats and protections, and describe potential effects of an attack in annual reports. [ more ]
6 months ago
Privacy professionals

Lazarus Group bang on trend with memory-safe Dlang malware

DLang, a newer memory-safe programming language, is being used by cybercriminals in attacks
Three DLang-based malware strains have been used in attacks by a group tracked as Andariel, believed to be part of the Lazarus Group [ more ]
6 months ago
Privacy professionals

U.K. Says Russia Has Spent Years Targeting Lawmakers and Others in Cyberattacks

Russia's intelligence service has carried out a long-term cyberattack campaign targeting politicians, public servants, journalists, and others in the UK.
The attacks were part of unsuccessful attempts to interfere in UK political processes, including the 2019 general election. [ more ]
7 months ago
Privacy professionals

State-Backed Hackers a Threat to Australia, Agency Warns

Australia faces a persistent threat from state-backed hackers, particularly from Russia and China.
State-backed hackers are likely to target critical infrastructure, steal military secrets, and exploit Australia's AUKUS defense pact.
Russian and Chinese hackers are developing sophisticated tools to infiltrate government networks. [ more ]
6 months ago
Privacy professionals

U.K. Says Russia Has Spent Years Targeting Lawmakers and Others in Cyberattacks

Russia's intelligence service has carried out a long-term cyberattack campaign targeting politicians, public servants, journalists, and others in the UK.
The attacks were part of unsuccessful attempts to interfere in UK political processes, including the 2019 general election. [ more ]
7 months ago
Privacy professionals

State-Backed Hackers a Threat to Australia, Agency Warns

Australia faces a persistent threat from state-backed hackers, particularly from Russia and China.
State-backed hackers are likely to target critical infrastructure, steal military secrets, and exploit Australia's AUKUS defense pact.
Russian and Chinese hackers are developing sophisticated tools to infiltrate government networks. [ more ]
6 months ago
Information security

Splunk Data Security Predictions 2024

AI will alleviate skills gaps while creating new functions
AI and large language models introduce new data privacy concerns
Cybercriminals will leverage AI for new forms of attacks [ more ]
6 months ago
Business intelligence

Splunk Data Security Predictions 2024

AI will alleviate skills gaps while creating new functions
AI and large language models introduce new data privacy concerns
Cybercriminals will leverage AI for new forms of attacks [ more ]
6 months ago
Information security

Feds: Iran-linked hacking campaign a 'clarion call' for digital defenses

U.S. cybersecurity officials warn utilities to increase basic cyber protections after a hacking group with ties to Iran targeted water facilities.
The hacking group, Cyber Av3ngers, has not caused operational impact or compromised safe drinking water supply. [ more ]
6 months ago
Privacy professionals

Why we need legislation requiring more transparency in breach notices, Saturday edition (Bluefield University)

Legislation requiring more transparency in disclosures is needed to address cyberattacks and data breaches.
Bluefield University has experienced a cyberattack and data breach, with leaked data being published by a threat actor. [ more ]
7 months ago
Privacy professionals

In Other News: National Laboratory Breach, Airplane GPS Attacks, Russia Accuses Allies of Hacking

State-sponsored hackers from China and North Korea are responsible for a surge in cyberattacks targeting Russia.
The COO of a cybersecurity firm admitted to hacking hospitals in order to boost his company's business.
A hacker breached hotel networks and attempted to sell stolen credentials while also faking his own death. [ more ]
7 months ago
Privacy professionals

In Other News: National Laboratory Breach, Airplane GPS Attacks, Russia Accuses Allies of Hacking

State-sponsored hackers from China and North Korea are responsible for a surge in cyberattacks targeting Russia.
The COO of a cybersecurity firm admitted to hacking hospitals in order to boost his company's business.
A hacker breached hotel networks and attempted to sell stolen credentials while also faking his own death. [ more ]
7 months ago
Business intelligence

Logs missing in 42% cyberattacks; small business most vulnerable: Report

42% of analyzed cyberattacks had missing telemetry logs.
82% of the attacks involved cybercriminals deliberately disabling or eradicating telemetry.
83% of the attacks originated from organizations with fewer than 1,000 employees. [ more ]
7 months ago
Privacy professionals

Hackers are exploiting 'CitrixBleed' bug in the latest wave of mass cyberattacks | TechCrunch

Hackers are exploiting a critical vulnerability in Citrix NetScaler systems to launch cyberattacks against big-name organizations.
The vulnerability, known as CitrixBleed, allows attackers to extract sensitive information and compromise networks without a password. [ more ]
7 months ago
Privacy professionals

Hackers are exploiting 'CitrixBleed' bug in the latest wave of mass cyberattacks | TechCrunch

Hackers are exploiting a critical vulnerability in Citrix NetScaler systems to launch cyberattacks against big-name organizations.
The vulnerability, known as CitrixBleed, allows attackers to extract sensitive information and compromise networks without a password. [ more ]
Dark Reading
7 months ago
Information security

Danish Energy Attacks Portend Targeting More Critical Infrastructure

Danish energy sector organizations were targeted in a series of cyberattacks, potentially linked to Russia's Sandworm APT.
Attackers exploited vulnerabilities in Zyxel firewall devices, including two zero-days, to gain access to industrial machinery.
Both state-level APTs and cybercriminal groups are targeting the energy sector for economic and national security reasons. [ more ]
7 months ago
Privacy professionals

Hackers are exploiting 'CitrixBleed' bug in the latest wave of mass cyberattacks | TechCrunch

Hackers are exploiting a critical vulnerability in Citrix NetScaler systems to launch cyberattacks against big-name organizations.
The vulnerability, known as CitrixBleed, allows attackers to extract sensitive information and compromise networks without a password. [ more ]
7 months ago
Privacy professionals

Hackers are exploiting 'CitrixBleed' bug in the latest wave of mass cyberattacks | TechCrunch

Hackers are exploiting a critical vulnerability in Citrix NetScaler systems to launch cyberattacks against big-name organizations.
The vulnerability, known as CitrixBleed, allows attackers to extract sensitive information and compromise networks without a password. [ more ]
Dark Reading
7 months ago
Information security

Danish Energy Attacks Portend Targeting More Critical Infrastructure

Danish energy sector organizations were targeted in a series of cyberattacks, potentially linked to Russia's Sandworm APT.
Attackers exploited vulnerabilities in Zyxel firewall devices, including two zero-days, to gain access to industrial machinery.
Both state-level APTs and cybercriminal groups are targeting the energy sector for economic and national security reasons. [ more ]
#cloud security
Dark Reading
7 months ago

Illumio Delivers the Most Complete Zero-Trust Segmentation Platform With the Addition of CloudSecure

Illumio has expanded its Zero Trust Segmentation Platform with Illumio CloudSecure to provide comprehensive segmentation for hybrid and multi-cloud environments.
Illumio CloudSecure helps organizations address the challenges of public cloud security by providing visibility and control of connections between dynamic applications and workloads.
Illumio CloudSecure enables organizations to contain attacks efficiently and cost effectively on applications and workloads in public cloud environments. [ more ]
Dark Reading
7 months ago

Illumio Delivers the Most Complete Zero-Trust Segmentation Platform With the Addition of CloudSecure

Illumio has expanded its Zero Trust Segmentation Platform with Illumio CloudSecure to provide comprehensive segmentation for hybrid and multi-cloud environments.
Illumio CloudSecure helps organizations address the challenges of public cloud security by providing visibility and control of connections between dynamic applications and workloads.
Illumio CloudSecure enables organizations to contain attacks efficiently and cost effectively on applications and workloads in public cloud environments. [ more ]
Dark Reading
7 months ago

Illumio Delivers the Most Complete Zero-Trust Segmentation Platform With the Addition of CloudSecure

Illumio has expanded its Zero Trust Segmentation Platform with Illumio CloudSecure to provide comprehensive segmentation for hybrid and multi-cloud environments.
Illumio CloudSecure helps organizations address the challenges of public cloud security by providing visibility and control of connections between dynamic applications and workloads.
Illumio CloudSecure enables organizations to contain attacks efficiently and cost effectively on applications and workloads in public cloud environments. [ more ]
Dark Reading
7 months ago

Illumio Delivers the Most Complete Zero-Trust Segmentation Platform With the Addition of CloudSecure

Illumio has expanded its Zero Trust Segmentation Platform with Illumio CloudSecure to provide comprehensive segmentation for hybrid and multi-cloud environments.
Illumio CloudSecure helps organizations address the challenges of public cloud security by providing visibility and control of connections between dynamic applications and workloads.
Illumio CloudSecure enables organizations to contain attacks efficiently and cost effectively on applications and workloads in public cloud environments. [ more ]
morecloud security
Above the Law
11 months ago

Top Biglaw Firms Targeted In Global Cyberattack

Several years ago, with sophisticated cyberattacks on the rise, my colleague Joe Patrice issued this warning to law firms across the country: "The ransomware attack on your firm is coming and you're probably not prepared." Did anyone listen to him? Unfortunately, it doesn't seem like it. Three top Biglaw firms were recently targeted in a global cybersecurity incident that's affected more than 50 global corporations and banks, as well as more than 16 million individuals.
1 year ago

German government to present 1st national security strategy to address growing threats

Germany is unveiling its first comprehensive national security strategy Wednesday in Berlin as part of an effort to address what it views as growing military, economic and social threats to the country.Chancellor Olaf Scholz and four of his top ministers are due to present the new strategy, which has been months in the making.
1 year ago
World politics

Germany Is Expected to Introduce Its First National Security Strategy

BERLIN Germany is expected to introduce its first comprehensive national security strategy on Wednesday, an effort to address Germany's priorities and ambitions in a Europe transformed by Russia's invasion of Ukraine.The announcement is a key part of the coalition agreement of the government of Chancellor Olaf Scholz, but it comes as the war in Ukraine has heightened Germany's sense that it has become vulnerable to new military, economic and geopolitical threats, including climate change.
1 year ago

German government to present 1st national security strategy to address growing threats

Germany is unveiling its first comprehensive national security strategy Wednesday in Berlin as part of an effort to address what it views as growing military, economic and social threats to the country.Chancellor Olaf Scholz and four of his top ministers are due to present the new strategy, which has been months in the making.
1 year ago
World politics

Germany Is Expected to Introduce Its First National Security Strategy

BERLIN Germany is expected to introduce its first comprehensive national security strategy on Wednesday, an effort to address Germany's priorities and ambitions in a Europe transformed by Russia's invasion of Ukraine.The announcement is a key part of the coalition agreement of the government of Chancellor Olaf Scholz, but it comes as the war in Ukraine has heightened Germany's sense that it has become vulnerable to new military, economic and geopolitical threats, including climate change.
1 year ago
Information security

Cyberattacks surge to 61% of small and medium-sized businesses, says study

Cyber-attacks on small and medium businesses are becoming increasingly common, and can cause significant data loss and damage to a company's reputation.
Businesses should be proactive in implementing a comprehensive security plan that includes regular monitoring, employee training, and the use of secure firewalls and anti-virus software. [ more ]
Harvard Business Review
1 year ago

Today's Cyber Threats Require Modern Cloud Network Security - SPONSOR CONTENT FROM MICROSOFT X AMD

By Narayan Annamalai When cybersecurity measures fail, the results can be devastating and costly.In the past year, network security failures have led to downed websites, delayed flights, unavailable video games, and much more.Such incidents can erode customer, investor, and board member trust and result in the types of headlines you don't want.
1 year ago
Tech industry

Leading experts warn of a risk of extinction from AI

The welcome screen for the OpenAI ChatGPT app is displayed on a laptop screen in February in London.Leon Neal/Getty Images AI experts issued a dire warning on Tuesday: Artificial intelligence models could soon be smarter and more powerful than us and it is time to impose limits to ensure they don't take control over humans or destroy the world.
1 year ago

Why We Need to See Inside AI's Black Box

The following essay is reprinted with permission from The Conversation, an online publication covering the latest research.For some people, the term black box brings to mind the recording devices in airplanes that are valuable for postmortem analyses if the unthinkable happens.For others it evokes small, minimally outfitted theaters.
1 year ago
France news

France to deploy military for Olympic opening ceremony

France will deploy 35,000 security agents and the military to secure the 2024 Olympic Games opening ceremony, a river parade through the heart of Paris, from security threats including drone strikes, the interior minister said.Hundreds of thousands of spectators are expected to line the Seine river along the 6km route to watch the national delegations sail in a flotilla of boats from the Austerlitz Bridge to the foot of the Eiffel Tower.
1 year ago
Information security

Cyberattacks surge to 61% of small and medium-sized businesses, says study

Cyber-attacks on small and medium businesses are becoming increasingly common, and can cause significant data loss and damage to a company's reputation.
Businesses should be proactive in implementing a comprehensive security plan that includes regular monitoring, employee training, and the use of secure firewalls and anti-virus software. [ more ]
Harvard Business Review
1 year ago

Today's Cyber Threats Require Modern Cloud Network Security - SPONSOR CONTENT FROM MICROSOFT X AMD

By Narayan Annamalai When cybersecurity measures fail, the results can be devastating and costly.In the past year, network security failures have led to downed websites, delayed flights, unavailable video games, and much more.Such incidents can erode customer, investor, and board member trust and result in the types of headlines you don't want.
1 year ago
Tech industry

Leading experts warn of a risk of extinction from AI

The welcome screen for the OpenAI ChatGPT app is displayed on a laptop screen in February in London.Leon Neal/Getty Images AI experts issued a dire warning on Tuesday: Artificial intelligence models could soon be smarter and more powerful than us and it is time to impose limits to ensure they don't take control over humans or destroy the world.
1 year ago

Why We Need to See Inside AI's Black Box

The following essay is reprinted with permission from The Conversation, an online publication covering the latest research.For some people, the term black box brings to mind the recording devices in airplanes that are valuable for postmortem analyses if the unthinkable happens.For others it evokes small, minimally outfitted theaters.
1 year ago
France news

France to deploy military for Olympic opening ceremony

France will deploy 35,000 security agents and the military to secure the 2024 Olympic Games opening ceremony, a river parade through the heart of Paris, from security threats including drone strikes, the interior minister said.Hundreds of thousands of spectators are expected to line the Seine river along the 6km route to watch the national delegations sail in a flotilla of boats from the Austerlitz Bridge to the foot of the Eiffel Tower.
1 year ago
Information security

Kaspersky says attackers hacked staff iPhones with unknown malware

1. Kaspersky Lab has detected a security breach in which attackers used unknown malware to access staff iPhones. 2. The attackers were able to gain access to data such as contacts, photos, documents, and other sensitive information. 3. It is important for companies to ensure their security measures are up
1 year ago
Data science

Blink Ops launches AI copilot to streamline security automation

Blink Ops, a cybersecurity startup based in Tel Aviv, has launched a new software product that uses generative AI to create no-code workflows for security and IT operations.The service, called Blink Copilot, allows security operators to automate any security workflow by writing simple text prompts.The company claims that Blink Copilot is the first of its kind in the market and that it can significantly reduce the time and effort required to automate security workflows.
1 year ago
Information security

Kaspersky says attackers hacked staff iPhones with unknown malware

1. Kaspersky Lab has detected a security breach in which attackers used unknown malware to access staff iPhones. 2. The attackers were able to gain access to data such as contacts, photos, documents, and other sensitive information. 3. It is important for companies to ensure their security measures are up
1 year ago
Data science

Blink Ops launches AI copilot to streamline security automation

Blink Ops, a cybersecurity startup based in Tel Aviv, has launched a new software product that uses generative AI to create no-code workflows for security and IT operations.The service, called Blink Copilot, allows security operators to automate any security workflow by writing simple text prompts.The company claims that Blink Copilot is the first of its kind in the market and that it can significantly reduce the time and effort required to automate security workflows.
The New Yorker
1 year ago

A Confession Exposes India's Secret Hacking Industry

In the summer of 2020, Jonas Rey, a private investigator in Geneva, got a call from a client with a hunch.The client, the British law firm Burlingtons, represented an Iranian-born American entrepreneur, Farhad Azima, who believed that someone had hacked his e-mail account.Azima had recently helped expose sanctions-busting by Iran, so Iranian hackers were likely suspects.
Social Media Explorer
1 year ago
Online marketing

Security Systems Are Struggling Again Encrypted Traffic - Social Media Explorer

Traditional security systems aren't holding up to incoming encrypted traffic anymore.The number of cyberattacks are on the rise - there were 1.5 times as many ransomware attacks in 2021 compared to 2020 with over 230 million ransomware attacks in just the first half of 2022.Attackers are clever as once they get past security systems they quickly hide their tracks and lay dormant so defenses don't notice anything wrong.
1 year ago
US politics

Cyberattack forces Idaho hospital to send ambulances elsewhere

A hospital in Idaho has been diverting ambulances to other hospitals for more than 24 hours because of a cyberattack, a hospital spokesperson confirmed to CNN on Wednesday in the latest example of a hacking incident complicating health care in the US.The cyberattack took place on Monday and has forced nurses and doctors at Idaho Falls Community Hospital, an 88-bed hospital in the east of the state, to use pen and paper rather than computers for patient charts, hospital spokesperson Brian Ziel told CNN.
Technology Solutions That Drive Business
1 year ago
Privacy professionals

How to Deliver Secure Remote Access at Scale

Remote work isn't going anywhere, but patchwork practices aren't enough to keep data safe.Companies need holistic approaches that deliver secure remote access to every user.The numbers are in, and the conclusion is clear: Employees want flexible work environments.Gallup notes that just 20 percent of employees work entirely in the office, and 60 percent of remote workers say they would look for other jobs if they could no longer work from home.
1 year ago
US politics

Cyberattack forces Idaho hospital to send ambulances elsewhere

A hospital in Idaho has been diverting ambulances to other hospitals for more than 24 hours because of a cyberattack, a hospital spokesperson confirmed to CNN on Wednesday in the latest example of a hacking incident complicating health care in the US.The cyberattack took place on Monday and has forced nurses and doctors at Idaho Falls Community Hospital, an 88-bed hospital in the east of the state, to use pen and paper rather than computers for patient charts, hospital spokesperson Brian Ziel told CNN.
Technology Solutions That Drive Business
1 year ago
Privacy professionals

How to Deliver Secure Remote Access at Scale

Remote work isn't going anywhere, but patchwork practices aren't enough to keep data safe.Companies need holistic approaches that deliver secure remote access to every user.The numbers are in, and the conclusion is clear: Employees want flexible work environments.Gallup notes that just 20 percent of employees work entirely in the office, and 60 percent of remote workers say they would look for other jobs if they could no longer work from home.
1 year ago
Tech industry

AI Is as Risky as Pandemics and Nuclear War, Top CEOs Say, Urging Global Cooperation

The CEOs of the world's leading artificial intelligence companies, along with hundreds of other AI scientists and experts, made their most unified statement yet about the existential risks to humanity posed by the technology, in a short open letter released Tuesday.Mitigating the risk of extinction from AI should be a global priority alongside other societal-scale risks such as pandemics and nuclear war, the letter, released by California-based non-profit the Center for AI Safety, says in its entirety.
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