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4 weeks ago
Marketing tech

The Shrinking Open Web | AdExchanger

Programmatic is shifting towards quality over quantity, highlighting the rise of curated deals and the closure of made-for-advertising websites. [ more ]
4 months ago
Marketing tech

What Most Buyers Are Missing In Their Cookieless Strategy | AdExchanger

Google's deprecation of 1% of cookies has forced advertisers and agencies to find new solutions for media buying strategies.
Curated deals are emerging as a valuable cookieless solution that bundles audience, supply, optimization, and measurement into a single package for buyers. [ more ]
6 months ago
Business intelligence

Hivestack Launches Hivestack Curate, a New Industry Platform for Curated Deals in DOOH

Hivestack launches Hivestack Curate, a DOOH marketplace that allows buyers to customize their inventory sourcing and build strategic, curated deals.
Buyers have full control over their inventory sourcing and can create tailored, transparent, and customized deals.
Hivestack Curate integrates first and third-party data to drive audience reach and engagement for curated deals. [ more ]
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