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4 months ago
US news

A Chinese and a Taiwanese comedian walk into a bar ...

Comedians from Taiwan and China use comedy to address cross-strait tensions
They challenge stereotypes and promote understanding through their performances [ more ]
5 months ago
World news

Taiwan's ruling party secures record third term as VP Lai Ching-te wins presidential vote

The ruling Democratic Progressive Party (DPP) won a historic third term in Taiwan's presidential election, with Vice President Lai Ching-te as the winner.
Lai's victory comes at a crucial moment amid rising tensions between Taipei and Beijing, as China sees the DPP's governance as incompatible with cross-strait peace. [ more ]
4 months ago
US news

A Chinese and a Taiwanese comedian walk into a bar ...

Comedians from Taiwan and China use comedy to address cross-strait tensions
They challenge stereotypes and promote understanding through their performances [ more ]
5 months ago
World news

Taiwan's ruling party secures record third term as VP Lai Ching-te wins presidential vote

The ruling Democratic Progressive Party (DPP) won a historic third term in Taiwan's presidential election, with Vice President Lai Ching-te as the winner.
Lai's victory comes at a crucial moment amid rising tensions between Taipei and Beijing, as China sees the DPP's governance as incompatible with cross-strait peace. [ more ]
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