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4 months ago
Artificial intelligence

ODSC's AI Weekly Recap: Week of February 2nd

Data scientists can now create full-stack applications with an open-source Python-based framework
A new AI-powered method can identify Crop-livestock integration areas using satellite images
John Snow Labs predicts 2023 to be a triumphant year in AI for healthcare [ more ]
4 months ago
Artificial intelligence

ODSC's AI Weekly Recap: Week of February 2nd

New Python-based framework for creating full-stack applications
AI-powered method for identifying Crop-livestock integration areas by analyzing satellite images [ more ]
4 months ago
Artificial intelligence

ODSC's AI Weekly Recap: Week of February 2nd

Data scientists can now create full-stack applications with an open-source Python-based framework
A new AI-powered method can identify Crop-livestock integration areas using satellite images
John Snow Labs predicts 2023 to be a triumphant year in AI for healthcare [ more ]
4 months ago
Artificial intelligence

ODSC's AI Weekly Recap: Week of February 2nd

New Python-based framework for creating full-stack applications
AI-powered method for identifying Crop-livestock integration areas by analyzing satellite images [ more ]
4 months ago
Data science

New Method Brings Together AI and Satellite Imagery To Map Crop-Livestock Integration Systems

Crop-livestock integration areas improve soil fertility and reduce the environmental impact of agriculture
AI-powered analysis of satellite images can be used to identify these areas [ more ]
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