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3 weeks ago

Lucy Letby, British Nurse Convicted of Killing Seven Babies, Loses Her Bid to Appeal

British neonatal nurse Lucy Letby loses appeal bid after being convicted of murdering seven babies.
Most defendants in British court cases must seek permission to appeal on narrowly defined legal issues. [ more ]
3 months ago
UK news

Killer nurse Lucy Letby in final bid to appeal convictions

Lucy Letby seeking to challenge convictions in Court of Appeal hearing in April
If permission is granted, appeal will be heard at a separate hearing at a later date [ more ]
4 months ago
UK news

Child killer nurse Lucy Letby in latest bid for freedom

Child serial killer Lucy Letby is renewing her bid to challenge her convictions at the Court of Appeal.
Letby was convicted of the murders of seven babies and the attempted murders of six others. [ more ]
3 weeks ago

Lucy Letby, British Nurse Convicted of Killing Seven Babies, Loses Her Bid to Appeal

British neonatal nurse Lucy Letby loses appeal bid after being convicted of murdering seven babies.
Most defendants in British court cases must seek permission to appeal on narrowly defined legal issues. [ more ]
3 months ago
UK news

Killer nurse Lucy Letby in final bid to appeal convictions

Lucy Letby seeking to challenge convictions in Court of Appeal hearing in April
If permission is granted, appeal will be heard at a separate hearing at a later date [ more ]
4 months ago
UK news

Child killer nurse Lucy Letby in latest bid for freedom

Child serial killer Lucy Letby is renewing her bid to challenge her convictions at the Court of Appeal.
Letby was convicted of the murders of seven babies and the attempted murders of six others. [ more ]
1 month ago
Social justice

Savage murderer who claimed 'juror smelled of weed' loses appeal bid

The Court of Appeal refused Neculai Paizan's legal bid to appeal his conviction and sentence. [ more ]
1 month ago

Woman who caused cyclist to fall into path of car has conviction overturned

The manslaughter conviction of a woman who caused another's death by shouting and waving at a cyclist, leading to a fatal accident, was overturned at the Court of Appeal. [ more ]
2 months ago
EU data protection

Home Office loses appeal bid over West Midlands policing powers merger ruling

The Home Office lost appeal against ruling on West Midlands policing powers transfer.
High Court judgment quashed merger of PCC and Mayor roles. [ more ]
2 months ago
EU data protection

Home Office appeals over ruling blocking West Midlands policing powers merger

The Home Office is challenging a ruling blocking transfer of policing powers in West Midlands.
The appeal outcome will impact whether the election for police and crime commissioner in the region proceeds in May. [ more ]
2 months ago
EU data protection

Home Office loses appeal bid over West Midlands policing powers merger ruling

The Home Office lost appeal against ruling on West Midlands policing powers transfer.
High Court judgment quashed merger of PCC and Mayor roles. [ more ]
2 months ago
EU data protection

Home Office appeals over ruling blocking West Midlands policing powers merger

The Home Office is challenging a ruling blocking transfer of policing powers in West Midlands.
The appeal outcome will impact whether the election for police and crime commissioner in the region proceeds in May. [ more ]
3 months ago

Gangsters appeal after Met officer pictured in car with female juror

Defense lawyers captured misconduct evidence
Officer faced gross misconduct for driving juror [ more ]
3 months ago
New York City

Murder appeal hears of 'false' confessions, lying cops & undercover reporters

Prosecutors pursued a brain-damaged man despite evidence of another killer.
Lawyers seek to quash Oliver Campbell's conviction due to withheld evidence. [ more ]
3 months ago
UK news

Watch: Shamima Begum loses Court of Appeal bid to have UK citizenship restored

Shamima Begum loses appeal against citizenship removal
Judges dismiss Ms Begum's bid at Court of Appeal [ more ]
BBC News
3 months ago

Shamima Begum's UK citizenship case to be ruled on by Court of Appeal - BBC News

Shamima Begum's bid to regain British citizenship is being reviewed by the Court of Appeal.
The government maintains Begum is a risk to national security based on MI5 assessment. [ more ]
3 months ago
UK news

Watch: Shamima Begum loses Court of Appeal bid to have UK citizenship restored

Shamima Begum loses appeal against citizenship removal
Judges dismiss Ms Begum's bid at Court of Appeal [ more ]
BBC News
3 months ago

Shamima Begum's UK citizenship case to be ruled on by Court of Appeal - BBC News

Shamima Begum's bid to regain British citizenship is being reviewed by the Court of Appeal.
The government maintains Begum is a risk to national security based on MI5 assessment. [ more ]
3 months ago
UK news

Negligence case by schizophrenic man who killed three OAPs gets go-ahead

Alexander Lewis-Ranwell, found not guilty of murder by reason of insanity, will continue legal challenge over authorities' treatment before the deaths.
Lewis-Ranwell sued authorities for negligence, alleging that necessary steps were not taken to prevent him from harming others after his release from custody. [ more ]
1 week ago
EU data protection

Prince Harry wins right to appeal against security ruling

Prince Harry granted permission to appeal against dismissal of his challenge over security level change in the UK. [ more ]
1 week ago
EU data protection

Prince Harry given green light to appeal personal security legal challenge

The Duke of Sussex can appeal security level change decision. [ more ]
1 week ago
EU data protection

Harry given green light to appeal in legal challenge over personal security

The Duke of Sussex can appeal against the dismissal of his High Court challenge regarding security level changes. [ more ]
3 months ago
UK news

Negligence case by schizophrenic man who killed three OAPs gets go-ahead

Alexander Lewis-Ranwell, found not guilty of murder by reason of insanity, will continue legal challenge over authorities' treatment before the deaths.
Lewis-Ranwell sued authorities for negligence, alleging that necessary steps were not taken to prevent him from harming others after his release from custody. [ more ]
1 week ago
EU data protection

Prince Harry wins right to appeal against security ruling

Prince Harry granted permission to appeal against dismissal of his challenge over security level change in the UK. [ more ]
1 week ago
EU data protection

Prince Harry given green light to appeal personal security legal challenge

The Duke of Sussex can appeal security level change decision. [ more ]
1 week ago
EU data protection

Harry given green light to appeal in legal challenge over personal security

The Duke of Sussex can appeal against the dismissal of his High Court challenge regarding security level changes. [ more ]
3 months ago
UK news

Nottingham triple killer's sentence to be reviewed for being unduly lenient'

Valdo Calocane's indefinite hospital order sentence for triple murder to be reviewed for being lenient.
Families of victims express disappointment with the sentence, prompting a review by the Court of Appeal. [ more ]
BBC News
4 months ago
Social justice

Half-century convictions linked to racist officer quashed

Saliah Mehmet and Basil Peterkin have had their convictions posthumously quashed after being jailed on the testimony of a corrupt police officer.
Their families are calling for a change in the law to ensure that cases linked to corrupt officers are reviewed in the future. [ more ]
4 months ago
UK news

Convictions posthumously quashed for two rail workers framed by corrupt cop

Two men's wrongful convictions from the 1970s have been overturned after corrupt police officer Derek Ridgewell's involvement was revealed.
Ridgewell's involvement in these cases has now led to 11 cases being referred to the Court of Appeal. [ more ]
BBC News
4 months ago
Social justice

Half-century convictions linked to racist officer quashed

Saliah Mehmet and Basil Peterkin have had their convictions posthumously quashed after being jailed on the testimony of a corrupt police officer.
Their families are calling for a change in the law to ensure that cases linked to corrupt officers are reviewed in the future. [ more ]
4 months ago
UK news

Convictions posthumously quashed for two rail workers framed by corrupt cop

Two men's wrongful convictions from the 1970s have been overturned after corrupt police officer Derek Ridgewell's involvement was revealed.
Ridgewell's involvement in these cases has now led to 11 cases being referred to the Court of Appeal. [ more ]
6 months ago
Privacy professionals

U.K. Government Told To Clarify Rule Denying Migrants Access To Their Data

The U.K. government's plan to deny migrants access to their own data has suffered a setback
The Court of Appeal ruled that the government must make changes to the immigration exemption to make it clearer and set out safeguards for vulnerable immigrants [ more ]
6 months ago
Privacy professionals

U.K. Govt Told To Clarify Rule Denying Migrants Access To Their Data

The U.K. government's plans to deny migrants access to their own data have suffered a setback due to a court ruling.
The Court of Appeal has ruled that the government must make changes to the immigration exemption to make it clearer and include safeguards for vulnerable immigrants. [ more ]
New York Post
1 week ago
EU data protection

Prince Harry can challenge UK's decision to strip him of police protection

Prince Harry granted right to appeal UK police protection ruling. [ more ]
6 months ago
Privacy professionals

U.K. Government Told To Clarify Rule Denying Migrants Access To Their Data

The U.K. government's plan to deny migrants access to their own data has suffered a setback
The Court of Appeal ruled that the government must make changes to the immigration exemption to make it clearer and set out safeguards for vulnerable immigrants [ more ]
6 months ago
Privacy professionals

U.K. Govt Told To Clarify Rule Denying Migrants Access To Their Data

The U.K. government's plans to deny migrants access to their own data have suffered a setback due to a court ruling.
The Court of Appeal has ruled that the government must make changes to the immigration exemption to make it clearer and include safeguards for vulnerable immigrants. [ more ]
New York Post
1 week ago
EU data protection

Prince Harry can challenge UK's decision to strip him of police protection

Prince Harry granted right to appeal UK police protection ruling. [ more ]
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