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1 month ago
Data science

Managing Course Completions Within Learning Paths and Certifications in Adobe Learning Manager - eLearning

To manage individual course completions within a larger learning structure in Adobe Learning Manager, use the provided options in the Learners tab of the respective Learning Path/Certification. [ more ]
2 months ago
Data science

Unique id for Learning Objects - eLearning

Enabling unique ID feature allows admin/authors to add specific identifiers to trainings for better organization.
Unique IDs aid in differentiating between multiple versions of courses with the same name and tracking courses effectively. [ more ]
1 month ago
Data science

Managing Course Completions Within Learning Paths and Certifications in Adobe Learning Manager - eLearning

To manage individual course completions within a larger learning structure in Adobe Learning Manager, use the provided options in the Learners tab of the respective Learning Path/Certification. [ more ]
2 months ago
Data science

Unique id for Learning Objects - eLearning

Enabling unique ID feature allows admin/authors to add specific identifiers to trainings for better organization.
Unique IDs aid in differentiating between multiple versions of courses with the same name and tracking courses effectively. [ more ]
1 month ago
Online learning

Managing Course Enrollments and Auto-Retirement: A Guide - eLearning

Enabling Enrollment Deadline and Auto-Retirement features empowers administrators to control course enrollments and access. [ more ]
eLearning Industry
3 weeks ago
Online learning

10 Crucial LMS Features Required For Association Member Training

An effective LMS for association member training should prioritize engaging learners and streamlining administrative tasks. [ more ]
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