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The Atlantic
2 months ago
Left-wing politics

Why Biden Should Not Debate Trump

To give equal status to Trump for a debate would normalize his attempted coup. [ more ]
5 months ago
France news

Sierra Leone charges former president Koroma with treason over 'coup attempt'

Former Sierra Leone president Ernest Bai Koroma has been charged with treason and other offences for his alleged role in an attempted coup.
Koroma is accused of four offences, including treason and misprision of treason.
Sierra Leone previously charged 12 people with treason in connection with the coup attempt. [ more ]
6 months ago
US politics

Pence Briefly Considered Not Presiding Over Jan. 6 Vote Certification

Former Vice President Mike Pence considered not presiding over the ceremony that confirmed Trump's election loss.
Pence ultimately decided to preside over the ceremony after consulting with his son and reaffirming his commitment to upholding the U.S. Constitution. [ more ]
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