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Ars Technica
2 months ago
Graphic design

Playboy image from 1972 gets ban from IEEE computer journals

The IEEE Computer Society will no longer accept papers containing the 'Lenna image'.
The 'Lenna image' has a controversial history and has been criticized for making women feel unwelcome in the field. [ more ]
2 months ago
Artificial intelligence

ChatGPT is bad at following copyright law, researchers say

AI models like GPT-4 generate high rates of copyrighted content
Patronus AI released a tool to detect potential copyright violations in LLMs. [ more ]
4 months ago
Artificial intelligence

Google Debuting Chrome Feature Where AI Writes Your Posts For You

Google is releasing an AI-powered writing assistant feature for Chrome.
The widespread use of AI-generated content may lead to unintended plagiarism and copyright violations. [ more ]
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