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3 weeks ago

People Who Got Divorced In Their First Year Of Marriage Are Revealing What Happened

Divorce experiences in the first year of marriage range from controlling behavior to infidelity and unresolved traumas. [ more ]
3 months ago

Asking for a friend: 'My controlling husband calls me the c-word and threatens to turn our kids against me. I want to leave but he won't let me'

Verbal abuse can have a lasting impact on mental health and relationships.
Isolation and control tactics are signs of an abusive relationship. [ more ]
3 weeks ago
New York City

Double murder accused was reported to police five times before attacks, court told

Victim reported controlling boyfriend before alleged murder. [ more ]
1 week ago

This Woman's Boyfriend Kicks Her Out Of Bed Every Day At 4 A.M. So He Can Rest After His Night Shift, And I Simply Have No Words

Navigating power dynamics in relationships with age gaps can present challenges in prioritizing wants and needs. [ more ]
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