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2 months ago

Jack Smith urges Supreme Court to reject Trump's immunity claim: "No person is above the law"

No person is above the law
Former Presidents face potential criminal liability after leaving office. [ more ]
4 months ago
France news

West African bloc ECOWAS lifts sanctions against Guinea, Mali

ECOWAS eases sanctions on Guinea, Mali, and Niger under military rule.
Nigeria calls for re-examining the approach to constitutional order in ECOWAS member states. [ more ]
5 months ago
Germany news

Germany considers entry ban on Austrian behind mass deportation plan

German authorities are considering an entry ban for Martin Sellner, the far-right Austrian who has a masterplan for the deportation of immigrants.
Members of the Bundestag's interior affairs committee are examining the possibility of banning Sellner from entering Germany if he is deemed a threat to democratic stability.
The proposal has support from across political parties, but legal hurdles need to be carefully examined before taking any action. [ more ]
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