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3 months ago
Video games

Pushing Buttons: The end of the toxic console war' between Xbox and PlayStation

Microsoft announced four games for PlayStation and Nintendo Switch but is not exiting the console market or making all games multiplatform.
Xbox Game Pass subscription service remains exclusive to Xbox and PC. [ more ]
3 months ago
Video games

Xbox Boss Breaks Silence Following PlayStation Port Rumors

Xbox is planning a business update event to share more details about their vision for the future of Xbox.
Rumors suggest that Xbox may be expanding the platforms where fans can play Xbox games, including potential releases on other consoles. [ more ]
3 months ago
Video games

The Xbox Holy War - The TouchArcade Show #581

Discussion on Apple Vision Pro
Discussion on Xbox Holy War [ more ]
6 months ago
Video games

10 Years Ago, PlayStation Dealt a Devastating Blow to Its Fiercest Rival

Sony's video marketing strategy for the PS4 in 2014 was a brutal takedown of its biggest competitor, Microsoft's Xbox One.
The PS3 had a rocky start but eventually caught up with the Xbox 360 in sales in 2016, thanks to critically acclaimed exclusive franchises like Uncharted and The Last of Us.
Sony made significant improvements with the PS4, including a more reasonable price tag and an upgraded processor to make game development easier for third-party developers. [ more ]
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