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2 months ago

Opinion | The Smothering of Abortion Rights Reveals Something Else About Republicans

State's rights on abortion can lead to extreme restrictions as seen in Arizona, where an old ban was enforced without exceptions for rape or incest. [ more ]
Slate Magazine
2 months ago

Arizona's Zombie Abortion Ban Is Back. It's Every State's Future If Trump Wins.

Arizona's 1864 abortion ban, long considered unenforceable, has been revived, making all abortions a felony without exceptions.
The conservative majority in the Arizona Supreme Court resurrected the outdated abortion ban, signaling a concerning trend for reproductive rights nationally. [ more ]
2 months ago

Opinion | The Smothering of Abortion Rights Reveals Something Else About Republicans

State's rights on abortion can lead to extreme restrictions as seen in Arizona, where an old ban was enforced without exceptions for rape or incest. [ more ]
Slate Magazine
2 months ago

Arizona's Zombie Abortion Ban Is Back. It's Every State's Future If Trump Wins.

Arizona's 1864 abortion ban, long considered unenforceable, has been revived, making all abortions a felony without exceptions.
The conservative majority in the Arizona Supreme Court resurrected the outdated abortion ban, signaling a concerning trend for reproductive rights nationally. [ more ]
5 days ago
US Elections

Louisiana's Ten Commandments Law Couldn't Have Happened Without Trump

Louisiana Governor defies tradition by requiring posting of Ten Commandments in classrooms, anticipating legal challenges due to recent conservative-leaning Supreme Court appointments. [ more ]
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