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4 months ago
Black Lives Matter

In New York, Israeli conscientious objectors find community after ostracism

Young Israelis face stark choice between military service and being branded outsiders.
Conscientious objectors in Israel risk ostracism and face intensified pressures during times of conflict. [ more ]
5 months ago
France news

Focus - Israel's 'refuseniks': Meet the conscientious objectors refusing military service

Compulsory military service in Israel is stigmatized and considered a rite of passage for national identity.
Since the Hamas attacks, young conscientious objectors are accused of being traitors. [ more ]
4 months ago
Black Lives Matter

In New York, Israeli conscientious objectors find community after ostracism

Young Israelis face stark choice between military service and being branded outsiders.
Conscientious objectors in Israel risk ostracism and face intensified pressures during times of conflict. [ more ]
5 months ago
France news

Focus - Israel's 'refuseniks': Meet the conscientious objectors refusing military service

Compulsory military service in Israel is stigmatized and considered a rite of passage for national identity.
Since the Hamas attacks, young conscientious objectors are accused of being traitors. [ more ]
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