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Miami Herald
4 months ago
US politics

Healthcare mogul Esformes cuts plea deal with feds: no more prison time, but heavy fines

Philip Esformes, a convicted healthcare mogul, had his 20-year sentence commuted by President Trump in a Medicare fraud case.
Esformes reached a plea agreement with the Justice Department, pleading guilty to the conspiracy count and seeing five other charges dismissed. [ more ]
6 months ago
New York City

A Troubling Trump Pardon and a Link to the Kushners

Jonathan Braun, who received a commutation from President Trump, returned to working as a predatory lender after being freed from prison.
The consequences of Braun's commutation raise questions about Trump's intervention in criminal justice decisions and his potential actions in a second term.
The New York Times investigation uncovered additional ramifications from Braun's commutation and revealed new details about his predatory lending activities. [ more ]
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