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Inside Higher Ed | Higher Education News, Events and Jobs
1 week ago

ACT study: test scores useful for remedial course placement

ACT test scores predict college remedial course needs better than high school GPA. [ more ]
Mail Online
3 weeks ago

Red state is crowned best in the US for education

Florida ranked number one in education despite controversy over banning discussions on sexuality and gender. [ more ]
4 months ago

The 3 psychological tricks every kid should know before college ... and how to teach them

Life skills are important for kids' college readiness.
Parents and non-parents believe that kids should learn skills like decision-making and emotional regulation before graduating high school. [ more ]
New York Post
4 months ago

Why Success Academy is going all in on the APs - disadvantaged students deserve to be prepared for college

Low-income students only score well enough on AP exams to earn college credit 40% of the time
Only 22% of students who take the ACT meet its benchmarks for college readiness [ more ]
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