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1 month ago

At one Gilroy middle school, students teach each other. Is this new model the future of education?

The Squads model at Gilroy Prep in math classes involves students educating each other under teacher supervision, promoting collaboration and soft skills. [ more ]
eLearning Industry
1 month ago
Data science

Building Knowledge One Brick At A Time: Constructivism In eLearning

Constructivism emphasizes active learner involvement, situated learning in real-world contexts, and collaborative learning over passive absorption of information. [ more ]
3 months ago

Eric Mazur, academic dean at Harvard: Failure is essential and grades stigmatize it'

Peer Instruction is a method where students learn by debating in groups
Eric Mazur promotes collaborative learning and the use of technology like AI in education [ more ]
eLearning Industry
4 months ago
Remote teams

5 Key Tips For Delivering Effective Training To Remote Workers

Incorporate interactive multimedia content for engaging training
Promote collaboration and social learning for remote teams [ more ]
eLearning Industry
1 week ago
Remote teams

Cultivating A Culture Of Continuous Learning In The Workplace

Lifelong learning is crucial for organizational success in today's rapidly evolving workplace. [ more ]
eLearning Industry
3 weeks ago
Data science

Maximize Efficiency: How Social Learning Transforms Corporate Education

Social learning is key for effective corporate education, driven by observing peers and applying successful models. [ more ]
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