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Eater SF
2 months ago
SF food

This Radically Transparent Cold Brew Pop-Up Gets Down to the Nitty-Gritty with Its Numbers

Alexis Howard and Brandon Sardi leveraged their business experience to create a successful coffee pop-up.
Poorboy Coffee focuses on cold brew and emphasizes the less glamorous aspects of entrepreneurship. [ more ]
Eater SF
6 months ago

A New Asian American Pop-Up Serves Some of the Best Thai Iced Tea in San Francisco

Alex Pong, a laid-off tech worker, has started a popular coffee business called Paper Son Coffee in San Francisco
The name "Paper Son" is inspired by Pong's family history as a descendant of Chinese immigrants who purchased fraudulent identification documents [ more ]
Eater SF
6 months ago
SF food

A New Asian American Pop-Up Serves Some of the Best Thai Iced Tea in San Francisco

Alex Pong, a laid-off tech worker, has started a popular coffee business called Paper Son Coffee in San Francisco
The name "Paper Son" is inspired by Pong's family history as a descendant of Chinese immigrants who purchased fraudulent identification documents [ more ]
Eater SF
6 months ago

A New Asian American Pop-Up Serves Some of the Best Thai Iced Tea in San Francisco

Alex Pong, a laid-off tech worker, has started a popular coffee business called Paper Son Coffee in San Francisco
The name "Paper Son" is inspired by Pong's family history as a descendant of Chinese immigrants who purchased fraudulent identification documents [ more ]
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