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1 month ago

Cher Dates Younger Men Because Guys Her Age Are 'All Dead'

Cher's dating younger due to older men being unavailable. [ more ]
New York Post
1 month ago

Cher dates younger men because guys her age are cowards - or dead

Cher opens up about dating younger men due to shyness and lack of approach from older men. [ more ]
1 month ago

Cher Dates Younger Men Because Guys Her Age Are 'All Dead'

Cher's dating younger due to older men being unavailable. [ more ]
New York Post
1 month ago

Cher dates younger men because guys her age are cowards - or dead

Cher opens up about dating younger men due to shyness and lack of approach from older men. [ more ]
1 month ago

Cher on dating younger men: "men my age or older... they're all dead"

Cher prefers dating younger men due to older men being intimidated by her. She was introduced to Tupac by her partner and was recently inducted into the Rock & Roll Hall of Fame. [ more ]
1 month ago

Cher Has Always Been a Rock Star

Cher's induction into the Rock & Roll Hall of Fame rectifies a long-standing snub and recognizes her significant contributions to rock history. [ more ]
1 month ago

Cher on dating younger men: "men my age or older... they're all dead"

Cher prefers dating younger men due to older men being intimidated by her. She was introduced to Tupac by her partner and was recently inducted into the Rock & Roll Hall of Fame. [ more ]
1 month ago

Cher Has Always Been a Rock Star

Cher's induction into the Rock & Roll Hall of Fame rectifies a long-standing snub and recognizes her significant contributions to rock history. [ more ]
Los Angeles Times
5 months ago

Judge denies Cher's request for conservatorship over son Elijah Blue Allman's money

Cher's request for a conservatorship over her son's finances has been denied by a Los Angeles judge.
The judge ruled that Cher's attorneys did not provide sufficient time and documents for Allman and his lawyers to make their case. [ more ]
New York Post
6 months ago

'Believe' it or not: Cher walked out on recording her No. 1 smash 25 years ago

Cher almost gave up on her hit single 'Believe' which was released 25 years ago.
Cher initially disliked the song and had a standoff with the producer.
'Believe' popularized the Auto-Tune sound known as 'the Cher effect'. [ more ]
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