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Los Angeles Times
2 months ago
OMG science

'Nothing is untouched': DDT found in deep-sea fish raises troubling concerns for food web

DDT dumped off the coast of Los Angeles continues to pollute the deep-ocean biota through zooplankton and mid-to-deep-water fish, despite being banned for decades. [ more ]
5 months ago

How Coffee Farmers in Hawaii Fought Counterfeit Kona Beans

Kona coffee farmers in Hawaii won over $41 million in settlements after a five-year legal battle with distributors and retailers.
Chemical analysis of coffee from Hawaii and around the world helped in proving the misuse of the Kona name. [ more ]
7 months ago

Researchers create AI tool with a nose for fraudulent wine

Scientists have trained an algorithm to trace wines to their origins based on routine chemical analyses.
The algorithm can not only identify the vine-growing region but also the specific estate where the wine was made. [ more ]
2 weeks ago

The oldest wine in the world has been preserved in a Roman mausoleum in Spain for 2,000 years

The oldest wine, over 2,000 years old, was discovered in a Roman tomb in Spain, surpassing the previously known oldest wine from Germany in 325-350 AD. [ more ]
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