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Austin Monitor
3 weeks ago

TipSheet: Austin City Council, 5.30.24 - Austin Monitor

Council meeting agenda highlights key issues: potential charter amendments, property tax exemption, South Central Waterfront development, new public speaking rules, mobile court program, HOME amendments [ more ]
Austin Monitor
4 weeks ago

Charter changes might include city attorney appointment - Austin Monitor

Austin voters to consider mayoral candidates, council seats, and charter changes in November. [ more ]
Austin Monitor
3 weeks ago

TipSheet: Austin City Council, 5.30.24 - Austin Monitor

Council meeting agenda highlights key issues: potential charter amendments, property tax exemption, South Central Waterfront development, new public speaking rules, mobile court program, HOME amendments [ more ]
Austin Monitor
4 weeks ago

Charter changes might include city attorney appointment - Austin Monitor

Austin voters to consider mayoral candidates, council seats, and charter changes in November. [ more ]
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