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4 days ago

Ford wants more dealers involved in EV sales

Ford aims to expand EV sales by opening up access to more dealers and lifting restrictions on who can sell their EVs. [ more ]
2 months ago

Senior Frontend Developer at Vue School

BitterBrains offers popular learning platforms like Vue School and Mastering Nuxt, organizes Vue.js events, and launched the Official Vue.js Certification program.
They are hiring a senior frontend developer to work on projects involving Vue 2, Nuxt 2, Vue 3, Composition API, Nuxt 3 SSR, and more, with a focus on performance optimization and migration. [ more ]
3 months ago
Web design

Attention eLearning enthusiasts! Adobe Captivate training and certification is coming back. - eLearning

Adobe Certified Professional: Adobe Captivate is back with a new program
Offers certification only and virtual training options [ more ]
4 months ago
Artificial intelligence

An AI Executive Turns AI Crusader to Stand Up for Artists

Generative AI has an ethics problem
Fairly Trained offers a certification program for AI companies to ensure ethical use of training data [ more ]
6 months ago

Adelaide Launches Dynamic Certification Programme to Help Media Professionals Navigate the Nuances of Attention Metrics

Adelaide has launched AU University, a free certification program aimed at expanding media professionals' knowledge of attention metrics.
The program includes five sessions covering the basics of attention, measurement methodology, case studies, programmatic environments, and the future of digital media and attention.
137 graduates from 14 countries have already completed the program, representing 77 companies spanning brands, agencies, programmatic partners, and publishers. [ more ]
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