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Washington Post
3 weeks ago
OMG science

Scientists map one of Earth's top hazards in the Pacific Northwest

Scientists mapped the Cascadia subduction zone in detail to prepare for a potential catastrophic earthquake and tsunami in the Pacific Northwest. [ more ]
2 weeks ago

Underwater fault line could produce major earthquake on the West Coast

An underwater fault line along the US West Coast could trigger a megaquake that could be more devastating than California's 'Big One.' [ more ]
Washington Post
3 weeks ago
OMG science

Scientists map one of Earth's top hazards in the Pacific Northwest

Scientists mapped the Cascadia subduction zone in detail to prepare for a potential catastrophic earthquake and tsunami in the Pacific Northwest. [ more ]
2 weeks ago

Underwater fault line could produce major earthquake on the West Coast

An underwater fault line along the US West Coast could trigger a megaquake that could be more devastating than California's 'Big One.' [ more ]
State of the Planet
3 weeks ago
OMG science

Cascadia Subduction Zone, One of Earth's Top Hazards, Comes Into Sharper Focus

Comprehensive study of Cascadia Subduction Zone's structures promises to improve earthquake predictions and preparedness efforts. [ more ]
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