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Mission Local
1 month ago

Ciclovia de Valencia: Efectivo o un desastre? Los candidatos del Distrito 9 opinan

Candidates in District 9 are responding to weekly questions in 100 words or less.
Jackie Fielder supports the bike lane on Valencia Street but emphasizes the need for improvements.
Financial data of candidates show Jackie Fielder, Trevor Chandler, and Roberto Hernández raised the most money, with Chandler spending the most. [ more ]
Mission Local
2 months ago
San Francisco

Meet the District 3 candidates: 'What have you done to support District 3?'

Candidates in District 3 race for Supervisor are providing responses to weekly questions to inform voters about their stances and contributions to the district.
Sharon Lai highlights her accomplishments in public safety, transportation, affordable housing initiatives, and community leadership in her efforts to support District 3. [ more ]
Mission Local
2 months ago
Mission District

Meet the District 7 candidates: 'Tell us about your fundraising'

Myrna Melgar has raised more funds than previous elections and gained key endorsements.
Candidates Boschetto and Martin-Pinto emphasize grassroots contributions and limited by $500 donation cap. [ more ]
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