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4 days ago

The radical, ravishing rebirth of Tracey Emin: I didn't want to die as some mediocre YBA'

Tracey Emin's new exhibition showcases her intense and raw depiction of emotions, sexuality, and personal struggles through her paintings. [ more ]
2 months ago
UK news

Mother who had preventative chemotherapy urges Kate Middleton to stay positive

Terri Grice, a two-time cancer survivor, urges Kate Middleton to stay positive during her battle with cancer.
Adjuvant chemotherapy is crucial in reducing the risk of cancer recurrence by targeting any stray cancer cells before surgery. [ more ]
New York Post
3 months ago
New York Mets

Mets reliever Eric Orze hopes extra weight helps him last the season

Orze gained weight for stamina and focuses on using his splitter pitch more.
Overcoming cancer, Orze's pitching improved by increasing splitter usage. [ more ]
Miami Herald
4 months ago

Miami Commissioner Manolo Reyes announces that his cancer is in remission

Miami Commissioner Manolo Reyes has announced that his cancer is in remission.
Reyes was diagnosed with leukemia in September 2022 and kept his diagnosis private for weeks before publicly confirming his illness. [ more ]
4 months ago

How Sweet Loren's Became a Supermarket Sensation | Entrepreneur

Sweet Loren's creates delicious, better-for-you baked goods
Inspired to start Sweet Loren's after surviving cancer [ more ]
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