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1 month ago
Data science

Thousands protest against Canary islands' unsustainable' tourism model

Protests in Canary Islands call for tourism industry reform and tourist number freeze due to environmental and social concerns. [ more ]
1 month ago

This minimalist yet playful festival identity honours the artisanal crafts of the Canary Islands

The Lava Circular festival in the Canary Islands celebrates artisanal professions to honor heritage with playful and adaptable design. [ more ]
1 month ago
Europe news

Canary Islands sees surge of migrant arrivals via West African route

The Canary Islands are experiencing a surge in irregular migration from Africa, with significant numbers of minors in need of shelter.
While overall irregular border crossings into the EU have decreased, the Western African migratory route to the Canary Islands has seen a tenfold increase. [ more ]
3 months ago
EU data protection

Spain and EU to sign migration deal with Mauritania as people-smuggling rises

There has been a surge in people-smuggling operations to the Canary Islands, with a dramatic increase in the number of people making the perilous journey.
The EU is seeking to strengthen ties with Mauritania, Tunisia, and Egypt to create strategic alliances in managing migration and creating legal routes for migrants. [ more ]
3 months ago

In the Canary Islands, It's Not Sobremesa Without a Barraquito

The Barraquito is a popular low-ABV coffee cocktail in the Canary Islands, enjoyed by locals and visitors alike.
The Barraquito has historical roots dating back to the mid-20th century, linked to a man named Sebastián Rubio, and is served as a layered drink with condensed milk, Licor 43, whole milk, coffee, cinnamon, and lemon twist. [ more ]
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