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Mission Local
2 months ago
Mission District

Explore: how much did your ballot cost?

High spending in San Francisco primary elections
Democrats for Change gain majority in DCCC [ more ]
Los Angeles Times
3 months ago

How mega-spending and alleged scandals could influence LAUSD school board elections

Outside groups are heavily influencing Los Angeles school board elections.
Campaign turbulence is complicating the races for board seats. [ more ]
4 months ago
East Bay (California)

Uber, landlords, UC employees and dentists spending millions in ad battle for East Bay state Senate seat

Over $4 million has been spent in the race for the District 7 state Senate seat in the East Bay, making it the most expensive Senate race in the state so far this year.
The American Federation of State, County, and Municipal Employees (AFSCME) and Uber are among the major contributors in this race. [ more ]
San Jose Spotlight
4 months ago
San Francisco

Follow the money: Silicon Valley's 2024 primary election - San Jose Spotlight

The race to replace retiring Representative Anna Eshoo in Silicon Valley is highly anticipated and drawing big-name candidates.
Campaign spending in the race for California's 16th congressional district is already significant, with millions of dollars being spent on TV ads. [ more ]
Los Angeles Times
3 months ago

How mega-spending and alleged scandals could influence LAUSD school board elections

Outside groups are heavily influencing Los Angeles school board elections.
Campaign turbulence is complicating the races for board seats. [ more ]
4 months ago
East Bay (California)

Uber, landlords, UC employees and dentists spending millions in ad battle for East Bay state Senate seat

Over $4 million has been spent in the race for the District 7 state Senate seat in the East Bay, making it the most expensive Senate race in the state so far this year.
The American Federation of State, County, and Municipal Employees (AFSCME) and Uber are among the major contributors in this race. [ more ]
San Jose Spotlight
4 months ago
San Francisco

Follow the money: Silicon Valley's 2024 primary election - San Jose Spotlight

The race to replace retiring Representative Anna Eshoo in Silicon Valley is highly anticipated and drawing big-name candidates.
Campaign spending in the race for California's 16th congressional district is already significant, with millions of dollars being spent on TV ads. [ more ]
4 months ago
US politics

Here's How Much Cash Ron DeSantis Lit on Fire Against Trump

Governor Ron DeSantis's failed presidential bid cost over $160 million, making it one of the most expensive in modern Republican primary elections.
The money spent by DeSantis and his allied super PACs went towards television advertising, private airfare, and donations to campaigns of elected officials who endorsed DeSantis. [ more ]
4 months ago
Left-wing politics

Super PAC Drops $500,000 to Swing Independent Voters to Haley in New Hampshire

Pro-Haley groups have spent over $74.6 million supporting her and $35.3 million attacking her Republican rivals.
Independents Moving the Needle, a super PAC supporting Haley, has spent $500,000 on video ads ahead of the New Hampshire primary. [ more ]
4 months ago
US politics

Here's How Much Cash Ron DeSantis Lit on Fire Against Trump

Governor Ron DeSantis's failed presidential bid cost over $160 million, making it one of the most expensive in modern Republican primary elections.
The money spent by DeSantis and his allied super PACs went towards television advertising, private airfare, and donations to campaigns of elected officials who endorsed DeSantis. [ more ]
4 months ago
Left-wing politics

Super PAC Drops $500,000 to Swing Independent Voters to Haley in New Hampshire

Pro-Haley groups have spent over $74.6 million supporting her and $35.3 million attacking her Republican rivals.
Independents Moving the Needle, a super PAC supporting Haley, has spent $500,000 on video ads ahead of the New Hampshire primary. [ more ]
4 months ago
US politics

Outside Spending on 2024 Election Tops $318 Million, Outpacing Past Elections

Outside spending on 2024 federal races is surpassing previous election cycles, with nearly $318 million already spent on presidential and congressional races.
This level of spending has already exceeded the previous record set in the 2016 election cycle and is expected to reach $10.2 billion for political advertising this year. [ more ]
4 months ago
US politics

Final sprint to the New Hampshire primary

Nikki Haley's campaign will air a three-minute TV ad featuring the mother of Otto Warmbier, an American student who died in North Korea.
The ad highlights Haley's foreign policy experience and her personal relationship with the Warmbier family.
Haley and her allies have invested heavily in the New Hampshire primary, but Trump and his allies are also increasing their spending in the state. [ more ]
#campaign spending
6 months ago
US Elections

Democrats pick Suozzi to replace George Santos in special election

Tom Suozzi receives endorsements from Rep. Greg Meeks and Jay Jacobs
Special election in New York expected to draw national interest and campaign spending [ more ]
Slate Magazine
7 months ago

The Key to Saving Our Atrocious Campaign Finance Laws Might Be ... Josh Hawley?

Republican Sen. Josh Hawley introduced a bill that could fundamentally change campaign finance law.
Hawley's bill has zero chance of becoming law but signals a shift in campaign finance jurisprudence. [ more ]
6 months ago
US Elections

Democrats pick Suozzi to replace George Santos in special election

Tom Suozzi receives endorsements from Rep. Greg Meeks and Jay Jacobs
Special election in New York expected to draw national interest and campaign spending [ more ]
Slate Magazine
7 months ago

The Key to Saving Our Atrocious Campaign Finance Laws Might Be ... Josh Hawley?

Republican Sen. Josh Hawley introduced a bill that could fundamentally change campaign finance law.
Hawley's bill has zero chance of becoming law but signals a shift in campaign finance jurisprudence. [ more ]
morecampaign spending
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