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The Atlantic
3 weeks ago
US Elections

How Trump's Problems Become Everyone's

Trump's financial troubles create dependency on wealthy individuals, potentially affecting presidential decisions. [ more ]
4 months ago
US politics

Trump campaign donors footed the bill for more than $50M in legal fees last year

Former President Trump's political fundraising apparatus spent over $50 million on legal costs in 2023.
The mounting legal costs have drained large sums from Trump's campaign coffers as he prepares for another election. [ more ]
The Atlantic
3 weeks ago
US Elections

How Trump's Problems Become Everyone's

Trump's financial troubles create dependency on wealthy individuals, potentially affecting presidential decisions. [ more ]
4 months ago
US politics

Trump campaign donors footed the bill for more than $50M in legal fees last year

Former President Trump's political fundraising apparatus spent over $50 million on legal costs in 2023.
The mounting legal costs have drained large sums from Trump's campaign coffers as he prepares for another election. [ more ]
1 month ago
New York City

R.F.K. Jr. Draws Another $8 Million From His Running Mate, Nicole Shanahan

Silicon Valley investor Nicole Shanahan has donated $10 million overall to Robert F. Kennedy Jr.'s independent presidential campaign, greatly aiding their expensive ballot access and debate stage goals. [ more ]
1 month ago
Left-wing politics

Democrats in Trump Districts Are Outraising Republicans in Biden Districts

Democratic lawmakers in districts that voted Republican are outraising Republicans from Biden-backing districts, signaling potential electoral shifts in 2024. [ more ]
2 months ago
Left-wing politics

Biden Reports Major Cash Haul in March as Trump Looks to Catch Up

President Biden raised over $90 million in March, with a total of $192 million on hand, more than double what Mr. Trump reported.
The Biden campaign has received donations from 1.6 million Americans, reflecting a strong base of financial support and real investments in the campaign. [ more ]
Sacramento Bee
2 months ago

A Republican PAC spent big on Vince Fong, Kevin McCarthy's chosen successor. Did it help?

A Republican Super PAC spent more than $650,000 on Assemblyman Vince Fong's congressional bid
The Central Valley Values PAC, associated with Rep. Kevin McCarthy, aimed to boost Fong over a Republican challenger, but it is uncertain if this tactic was successful. [ more ]
1 month ago
Left-wing politics

Democrats in Trump Districts Are Outraising Republicans in Biden Districts

Democratic lawmakers in districts that voted Republican are outraising Republicans from Biden-backing districts, signaling potential electoral shifts in 2024. [ more ]
2 months ago
Left-wing politics

Biden Reports Major Cash Haul in March as Trump Looks to Catch Up

President Biden raised over $90 million in March, with a total of $192 million on hand, more than double what Mr. Trump reported.
The Biden campaign has received donations from 1.6 million Americans, reflecting a strong base of financial support and real investments in the campaign. [ more ]
Sacramento Bee
2 months ago

A Republican PAC spent big on Vince Fong, Kevin McCarthy's chosen successor. Did it help?

A Republican Super PAC spent more than $650,000 on Assemblyman Vince Fong's congressional bid
The Central Valley Values PAC, associated with Rep. Kevin McCarthy, aimed to boost Fong over a Republican challenger, but it is uncertain if this tactic was successful. [ more ]
2 months ago
Left-wing politics

Can It Be Used on Legal Fees?' Fox & Friends Hosts Debate How Trump Can Spend His Claimed $50M Fundraising Haul

Former President Donald Trump raised $50.5 million at a Mar-a-Lago fundraiser with prominent attendees.
There are restrictions on how campaign funds can be used, with a distinction between primary and general election expenses. [ more ]
4 months ago
US Elections

"I'll ALWAYS LOVE YOU": Trump Spam Gets More Bizarre as Legal Bills Pile Up

Former President Donald Trump's legal bills threaten to overwhelm his 2024 campaign.
Trump's campaign is using its massive email list and fundraising committees to raise millions of dollars in small donations. [ more ]
2 months ago
Left-wing politics

Can It Be Used on Legal Fees?' Fox & Friends Hosts Debate How Trump Can Spend His Claimed $50M Fundraising Haul

Former President Donald Trump raised $50.5 million at a Mar-a-Lago fundraiser with prominent attendees.
There are restrictions on how campaign funds can be used, with a distinction between primary and general election expenses. [ more ]
4 months ago
US Elections

"I'll ALWAYS LOVE YOU": Trump Spam Gets More Bizarre as Legal Bills Pile Up

Former President Donald Trump's legal bills threaten to overwhelm his 2024 campaign.
Trump's campaign is using its massive email list and fundraising committees to raise millions of dollars in small donations. [ more ]
Times Union
2 months ago
NYC politics

In one Assembly race, a test of N.Y.'s public financing system

Four out of seven Democratic candidates for the 109th state Assembly seat qualified for public financing system.
The state's public financing program supports candidates who can raise money from smaller donors and is being tested for the first time in many state races. [ more ]
2 months ago
Left-wing politics

Dan Osborn Looks to Unseat Nebraska GOP Incumbent Backed by Defense Contractors

Less than 2% of lawmakers had blue-collar jobs before being elected
Dan Osborn, a former building trades worker, is running a labor-backed campaign for U.S. Senate [ more ]
Austin Monitor
3 months ago

Travis County DA Jose Garza maintains a commanding 30-plus-point lead over Jeremy Sylestine - Austin Monitor

José Garza leads by 30 points over opponent in the Democratic primary after early voting.
Sylestine outraised Garza by a significant amount, with the bulk of support from high-dollar GOP donors. [ more ]
Mission Local
3 months ago
San Francisco

SF Election 2024: Here's the biggest outcome - no matter what wins

Low voter turnout expected for San Francisco primary election
Significant amount of money flowing into San Francisco mid-year local election [ more ]
Sacramento Bee
3 months ago

Adam Schiff leads the California Senate money race. Will that matter in Tuesday's primary?

Adam Schiff is leading in campaign cash for the California U.S. Senate seat.
There is a significant number of undecided voters that could sway the tight race. [ more ]
Mission Local
3 months ago
San Francisco

SF Election 2024: Here's the biggest outcome - no matter what wins

Low voter turnout expected for San Francisco primary election
Significant amount of money flowing into San Francisco mid-year local election [ more ]
Sacramento Bee
3 months ago

Adam Schiff leads the California Senate money race. Will that matter in Tuesday's primary?

Adam Schiff is leading in campaign cash for the California U.S. Senate seat.
There is a significant number of undecided voters that could sway the tight race. [ more ]
3 months ago
East Bay (California)

Meet the City Council candidates for San Jose District 4

Incumbent Councilmember David Cohen is vying for re-election in North San Jose against challenger Kansen Chu.
Cohen has garnered diverse endorsements ranging from U.S. Rep. Ro Khanna to the South Bay Labor Council and Silicon Valley Biz PAC. [ more ]
Sacramento Bee
4 months ago

Fact check: Did Katie Porter get campaign cash from Big Pharma, Big Oil and Big Banks?

Katie Porter is being targeted by a political action committee called Fairshake that claims she takes campaign cash directly from Big Pharma, Big Oil, and Big Bank executives.
Porter fired back at the ad, stating that shadowy crypto billionaires are spending millions on dishonest dark-money ads against her. [ more ]
New York Post
4 months ago
New York City

Manhattan DA cuts no jail deal with Adams' ex colleague in illegal donation scheme

Former NYPD inspector pleads guilty to funneling illegal funds to Mayor Eric Adams' campaign
Montgomery abused a city program by orchestrating a scheme to reimburse "straw donors" who contributed to Adams' campaign with his own money [ more ]
6 months ago
US Elections

Could Haley Really Beat Trump? Big Donors Are Daring to Dream.

Nikki Haley's knowledge of policy details and open-minded approach have impressed business leaders.
A group of chief executives and corporate deal makers from both parties are supporting Haley financially.
Haley's appeal to the moneyed crowd is crucial for her campaign's survival. [ more ]
2 weeks ago
Europe politics

Tories in crisis as furious party members refuse to fund Sunak's bid stay in power

Conservatives are facing challenges in online donation funds and backlash over candidate selection. [ more ]
2 weeks ago
New York City

Firm linked to criminal probe donated to Gething

Vaughan Gething's leadership campaign received funds from a company linked to a criminal investigation, raising concerns about ethical practices in political financing. [ more ]
8 hours ago
US Elections

Democrats Announce a $10 Million Push for State Legislatures

The Democratic Legislative Campaign Committee is investing $10 million in state legislative races to emphasize the importance of controlling state legislatures. [ more ]
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