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Fast Company
1 month ago
Mental health

Calm and AllTrails know your stress is reaching a fever pitch-so they're partnering for mental health awareness

Awareness of mental health is crucial, especially during challenging times, and the partnership between Calm and AllTrails promotes mental well-being through outdoor activities. [ more ]
4 months ago
Digital life

Do The People In Your Life Tend To Disappoint You? You Need This Viral Hack.

The "let them" theory suggests that we should let others be themselves and not try to force them to change.
The idea is that letting go of our expectations and concerns about how others perceive us can lead to more control and calm in our lives. [ more ]
4 months ago
New York City

January's Secret: It's the Best Month

January is often considered a dull and dreary month without social holidays, but some people appreciate its lack of obligations and sense of calm.
January is a popular month for comedians and entertainers to find steady work as the holiday season comes to a close. [ more ]
4 months ago

Opinion | Taking a Cue From the Squirrels in My Birdhouse

Managing election-year anxiety through finding moments of calm and connection
Recognizing the potential consequences of autocrats taking control of the American presidency in 2024 [ more ]
5 months ago
Tech industry

Can't Sleep? Listen to an A.I.-Generated Bedtime Story From Jimmy Stewart.

Calm, a sleep and meditation app, has released a story for premium users told by the late actor Jimmy Stewart, using an artificial intelligence-generated version of his voice.
The app collaborated with Respeecher, a company that uses AI technology to produce synthetic speech and clone voices, to create the story. [ more ]
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