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Sacramento Bee
3 months ago
Social justice

California lawmakers say reparations bills, which exclude widespread payments, are a starting point

Reparations legislation introduced by Black lawmakers in California doesn't include direct cash payments.
Proposals aim to atone for discrimination through various measures like creating a reparations agency and affirmative action exceptions. [ more ]
Sacramento Bee
3 months ago
Black Lives Matter

In California, Black lawmakers share a reparations plan with few direct payments

California's Legislative Black Caucus released a slate of reparations bills that include potential compensation for seized property from Black owners.
The proposals aim to expand access to education, fund community-driven solutions to violence, eliminate occupational licensing fees for those with criminal records, and improve life expectancy and educational outcomes for marginalized groups. [ more ]
Los Angeles Times
4 months ago

California lawmakers unveiled 14 reparations bills. None of them call for cash payments

The California Legislative Black Caucus has outlined the first set of reparations proposals for the descendants of African Americans who were enslaved in the United States.
The proposals include a formal apology, the prohibition of involuntary servitude in prisons, and the return of property seized by governments under race-based eminent domain. [ more ]
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