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ABC7 San Francisco
1 month ago

California joining with New Jersey company to make generic opioid overdose reversal drug

California to sell generic Narcan to combat opioid overdose at a cheaper rate and aims to distribute it broadly. [ more ]
1 month ago

Why Nearly 50 California Hospitals Were Forced to End Maternity Ward Services | KQED

Maternity wards in California are closing due to various reasons like labor shortages, increasing costs, and declining birth rates. [ more ]
Los Angeles Times
1 month ago

California saw a surge in abortions after Dobbs. Providers are bracing for more

California sees surge in abortion procedures post Roe vs. Wade overturn, attracting out-of-staters facing new restrictions. [ more ]
Los Angeles Times
3 months ago

Hours on hold, limited appointments: Why California babies aren't going to the doctor

Accessing preventive care for children on Medi-Cal in California is challenging due to appointment availability issues and lack of accountability from insurance plans.
California, despite having a high rate of children with health insurance, struggles to provide preventive care visits for kids under 5. [ more ]
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