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3 weeks ago
UX design

UX/UI case study of a football players' platform, informed by research in the Netherlands and the...

Research-driven design changes led to a 22% increase in sign-up conversions and a 60% success rate in reaching the payment stage. [ more ]
1 week ago

Load shedding & water woes: Can South Africa fix its ailing infrastructure?

ANC government aims to collaborate with businesses to enhance infrastructure ahead of elections. [ more ]
Mission Local
3 weeks ago
Mission District

New 'Second Saturdays' event coming to Mission Street

Soft-launch of 'Second Saturdays' campaign in Mission Street to revitalize the area with art walks and collaborations. [ more ]
1 month ago
Artificial intelligence

Anthropic Releases Claude Team Enterprise AI Plan and iOS App

Anthropic launched Claude Team with enhanced AI capabilities and administrative tools for enterprise use, aiming at revolutionizing business collaborations with AI. [ more ]
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