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2 months ago
Germany politics

No Taurus missiles for Ukraine, Germany decides DW 03/14/2024

The CDU/CSU opposition failed to secure majority support for delivering Taurus cruise missiles to Ukraine due to concerns about involvement in the war against Russia.
Chancellor Olaf Scholz and his SPD party have taken a strong stance against the delivery, fearing it could drag Germany into conflict with Russia. [ more ]
3 months ago
Germany news

Berlin stages partial rerun of 2021 German federal election DW 02/11/2024

Around half a million Berliners were called to repeat the federal election due to mishaps in the original vote.
The rerun will not change the German government composition, but may affect minor changes in the Bundestag. [ more ]
3 months ago
Germany news

Germany: Thousands crowd central Berlin to protest far right DW 02/03/2024

Thousands of people gathered in Berlin to protest right-wing extremism, forming a 'living firewall' around the Bundestag building.
The rally, organized by the 'Hand in Hand Act in Solidarity Now!' alliance, saw an estimated 300,000 attendees according to organizers. [ more ]
5 months ago
Germany politics

German lawmakers approve supplementary budget for 2023 DW 12/15/2023

Germany's lower house, the Bundestag, has approved a proposal to suspend borrowing rules in order to pass a supplementary budget for 2023.
This is the fourth time in a row that Germany has suspended the 'debt brake' rules. [ more ]
2 months ago
Germany politics

Germany's Scholz to face Bundestag questions over Taurus DW 03/13/2024

German Chancellor Olaf Scholz faces backlash for refusing to supply Ukraine with Taurus missiles, citing fears of being drawn into the war with Russia.
Lawmakers in the German national parliament are set to question Scholz about the Russian eavesdropping scandal on a conversation regarding the Taurus missiles. [ more ]
4 months ago
Germany politics

Budget woes: What can Germany still afford? DW 01/30/2024

The German federal parliament is launching the federal budget for 2024, which was delayed due to disagreements over cuts between the coalition government parties.
The draft budget plans for around 477 billion euros in expenditure, with 39 billion euros in fresh borrowing, the maximum allowed by the debt brake. [ more ]
4 months ago
Germany news

Germany: Citizenship law could prompt 50,000 Turks to apply DW 01/20/2024

German lawmakers have endorsed a new path to citizenship, allowing more people to gain dual nationality.
The Turkish community in Germany expects 50,000 people with Turkish roots to make naturalization applications in the coming years. [ more ]
4 months ago
Germany news

Living in Germany: Dual citizenship on the horizon and the German love of Grunkohl

German citizenship law allowing multiple nationalities passes in the Bundestag
Law expected to come into force in April or May [ more ]
6 months ago

How Nazi Germany Persecuted Transgender People

A German court acknowledged that trans people were victimized by the Nazi regime, marking a significant milestone in recognizing their persecution during that time.
The acknowledgement by the court was followed by the Bundestag formally recognizing trans and cisgender queer people as victims of fascism.
Historians are now uncovering more cases of trans people under the Nazi regime, shedding light on their experiences during that period. [ more ]
6 months ago
Germany politics

Germany's socialist Left Party fights for survival DW 11/20/2023

The Left Party in Germany's Bundestag will no longer have enough lawmakers to constitute a parliamentary faction.
Sahra Wagenknecht's resignation from the party resulted in the loss of nine lawmakers and the downgrade of the Left Party to a "group."
Internal disagreements, particularly regarding migration, contributed to Wagenknecht's departure from the party. [ more ]
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