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Austin Monitor
1 month ago

TipSheet: Austin City Council, 5.2.24 - Austin Monitor

One main point is the probable approval of drought contingency and water conservation plans by the Council to comply with a deadline, followed by ongoing discussions and updates. [ more ]
Homebuilding & Renovating
1 month ago

Does the Future Homes Standard lack embodied carbon regulations?

The omission of embodied carbon in the Future Homes Standard's consultation could hinder achieving net-zero ambitions. [ more ]
New York Post
2 months ago
New York City

NYC pols push state to fix decades-old law blamed for preventing much-needed housing as highlighted by Post probe

The 1961 law in Manhattan restricts building sizes, exacerbating the housing shortage.
Studies show the law may have cost NYC 200,000 apartments over the years. [ more ]
Austin Monitor
2 months ago

Imagine Austin series looks at prospects for equitable development amid rapid growth - Austin Monitor

Austin is facing challenges in implementing equitable housing policies due to population and income growth alongside state laws limiting inclusionary zoning.
Removing parking minimums and increasing density on residential properties are crucial steps to address the housing demand in Austin. [ more ]
3 months ago

Grenfell fire bereaved visit Valencia blaze ruins

Families affected by Grenfell Tower fire show solidarity in Valencia after similar fire.
Cladding panels used in Valencia building may be highly flammable and from a now banned type in the UK. [ more ]
Austin Monitor
4 months ago

Council OKs variance to build home in the floodplain - Austin Monitor

City Council unanimously approved variances to allow a property owner to build a house in the floodplain.
The proposed home will have a finished floor elevation of 2.2 feet above the floodplain. [ more ]
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