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Slate Magazine
1 month ago

Did That Have to Happen at Columbia? No. Just Look at What Happened at Brown.

Columbia University President Shafik called NYPD to quell protests despite potential alternative solutions. [ more ]
6 months ago

Brown University holds vigil after student wounded in possible hate crime shooting

A Brown University student was among three Palestinian college students shot and wounded in a possible hate crime shooting in Burlington, Vermont.
The campus has been tense due to protests against the university's stance on Israel, including the recent arrest of 20 Jewish students during a sit-in. [ more ]
The Nation
6 months ago

"You're Profiting From Palestinian Deaths": Student Protesters Confront Brown University's President

Brown University is dropping charges against pro-Palestine student protesters after the attempted murder of three Palestinian students in Vermont.
The protesters were calling for the university to divest its endowment from companies that supply military equipment and weapons to Israel. Brown University did not comment on this demand. [ more ]
The Nation
6 months ago

Inside Brown University's Sit-In for Palestine

Students at Brown University held a sit-in demanding the divestment of the school's endowment from companies that enable war crimes in Gaza.
The protesters were eventually arrested and charged with willful trespassing.
The sit-in is part of an escalating series of protests on Brown's campus about the war in Gaza. [ more ]
Inside Higher Ed | Higher Education News, Events and Jobs
2 months ago

Brown reinstates standardized testing requirement

Brown University will reinstate standardized testing for first-year applicants
Committee recommended maintaining early-decision option and further exploration of legacy applicants' impact [ more ]
2 months ago

Brown University Will Reinstate Standardized Tests for Admission

Brown University reinstates SAT/ACT requirements for admission
Concerns about unintended consequences of test-optional policies [ more ]
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