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5 months ago
OMG science

Ancient DNA hints at why MS affects Northern Europeans more

Northern Europeans have a higher risk of multiple sclerosis due to genetic variants brought by Bronze Age people called the Yamnaya.
The gene variants that increase the risk of multiple sclerosis may have also protected the Yamnaya from infections carried by their livestock. [ more ]
3 weeks ago
OMG science

Scientists have traced the origin of the modern horse to a lineage that emerged 4,200 years ago

Around 4,200 years ago, a specific lineage of horse with a genetic mutation quickly became dominant across Eurasia, indicating the start of human influence in spreading domesticated horses globally. [ more ]
3 weeks ago
OMG science

Origin of the Modern Horse Traced to a Lineage That Emerged 4,200 Years Ago

Around 4,200 years ago, a genetic mutation in horses allowed easy riding, leading to the rapid spread of domesticated horses across Eurasia. [ more ]
3 weeks ago
OMG science

Scientists have traced the origin of the modern horse to a lineage that emerged 4,200 years ago

Around 4,200 years ago, a specific lineage of horse with a genetic mutation quickly became dominant across Eurasia, indicating the start of human influence in spreading domesticated horses globally. [ more ]
3 weeks ago
OMG science

Origin of the Modern Horse Traced to a Lineage That Emerged 4,200 Years Ago

Around 4,200 years ago, a genetic mutation in horses allowed easy riding, leading to the rapid spread of domesticated horses across Eurasia. [ more ]
1 week ago

Oldest Deep-Sea Shipwreck Discovered Off Israel

A Bronze Age shipwreck was discovered in deep waters off the coast of northern Israel, retrieving Canaanite storage jars dating back over 3,200 years. [ more ]
2 weeks ago
OMG science

New Research Reveals What Ancient Humans Ate During the Bronze and Iron Ages

The Mediterranean diet has been around since at least the Bronze Age, showcasing its longevity and health benefits. [ more ]
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