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1 month ago
Left-wing politics

Brian Kilmeade Calls For Cancellation of White House Correspondent's Dinner Over Biden's Treatment of the Press

Brian Kilmeade calls for cancellation of White House Correspondents Dinner due to Biden Administration's avoidance of press. [ more ]
2 months ago
Left-wing politics

Fox's Brian Kilmeade Tells Trump to Name His Whole Cabinet' Today to Save Campaign From Increasing Legal Drama

Kilmeade suggests Trump name his cabinet early to distract from legal troubles.
Biden's high-profile fundraising event contrasts with Trump's legal battles. [ more ]
2 months ago

Fox's Kilmeade, Rand Paul Throw Down Over TikTok Ban, China Ownership: You Just Told a Lie, Brian!'

Brian Kilmeade views TikTok's China ties as a national security issue.
Sen. Rand Paul argues TikTok has diverse ownership and should not be assumed to be controlled by China. [ more ]
6 months ago
Left-wing politics

Brian Kilmeade Floats Absurd Defense of Trump Forgetting Who the President is on Fox and Friends

Brian Kilmeade suggests that President Biden's gaffes may be attributed to his age.
Kilmeade believes that media figures calling out Biden's gaffes started with a Politico magazine piece.
Former President Trump has also been prone to gaffes and has confused Obama for Biden multiple times. [ more ]
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