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4 days ago

New Study Suggests Mediterranean Diet May Slow Cognitive Decline

Mediterranean diet linked to slowing cognitive decline. [ more ]
Natural Health News
3 weeks ago
Alternative medicine

Pumping iron for a fitter brain: Weight training has surprising cognitive rewards

Weightlifting is crucial for brain and overall health, improving brain function, reducing cognitive decline, and lowering the risk of brain disorders and depressive symptoms. [ more ]
3 months ago

How 25 minutes of moderate exercise a week may help prevent cognitive decline

Moderate exercise for 25 minutes a week can improve brain health and prevent cognitive decline.
Age-related brain volume loss can be mitigated with minimal moderate physical activity. [ more ]
Natural Health News
4 days ago
Alternative medicine

'Profound' connection discovered between what you eat and brain power

Healthy diet significantly impacts brain health, cognitive function, and mental well-being according to University of Warwick researchers. [ more ]
6 days ago

12 Brain Foods That Will Supercharge Your Memory

A healthy diet impacts brain function positively. Certain foods, like pumpkin seeds and oranges, aid cognitive health and memory, supported by science. [ more ]
Gluten Free & More
2 weeks ago

The ABCs of Vitamins - B Complex: Why Your Body Needs It - Gluten Free & More

Vitamin B complex includes 8 essential vitamins crucial for energy metabolism, brain health, and overall well-being. [ more ]
2 weeks ago
OMG science

A Wild New Study Sheds Light On Why Exercise is So Good For Our Brains

Regular exercise benefits the brain by producing brain-boosting compounds through muscles with more nerve cells. Muscle innervation supports brain function and cognition. [ more ]
2 weeks ago
Alternative medicine

Half a Tablespoon of Olive Oil a Day May Keep Dementia at Bay, Harvard Study Finds

Daily consumption of olive oil may reduce the risk of dementia-related death by 28%. [ more ]
2 months ago

This Specific Type of Sleep Could Help Protect You From Dementia

Dementia is a result of significant cognitive decline affecting daily activities.
Risk factors for dementia include lifestyle habits like poor sleep. [ more ]
New York Post
4 months ago

Reduce your risk of dementia - cut out these everyday bad habits most of us are guilty of

Regular exercise is an effective way to maintain brain health and lower the risk of dementia.
Socializing in person is more beneficial for brain health than socializing online. [ more ]
New York Post
5 months ago

This addiction leads to brain shrinking and may increase your risk for Alzheimer's: study

Smoking is harmful to the brain and can lead to decreased brain volume.
Each additional year of smoking contributes to greater brain shrinkage. [ more ]
6 months ago
Mental health

People over 65 who own a dog are 40% less likely to develop dementia

Owning a dog reduces the risk of getting dementia by 40% compared to people without one.
Having a dog increases the likelihood of getting out of the house and interacting with other humans, which exercises the brain. [ more ]
3 weeks ago

Coral Sanfeliu, aging researcher: Sitting eight hours a day affects brain connections'

Exercise can induce hormetic responses in the brain, improving resilience to stress and promoting healthy aging. [ more ]
1 month ago
OMG science

A Peek Inside the Brains of Super-Agers'

Super-agers, aged 80+, exhibit memory abilities similar to individuals 20-30 years younger due to reduced brain atrophy and preserved connectivity in crucial memory areas. [ more ]
3 months ago

6 Seemingly 'Harmless' Habits That Are Prematurely Aging Your Brain

Social interaction is important for brain health.
Learning new things and getting out of your comfort zone helps keep the brain youthful. [ more ]
BBC News
4 months ago
Mental health

Playing a musical instrument good for brain health in later life - study

Playing a musical instrument or singing can help keep the brain healthy in older age.
Playing a musical instrument has a particularly big effect on cognitive health in older age. [ more ]
4 months ago
Mental health

Playing a musical instrument or singing is linked to better memory in older age

Playing a musical instrument or joining a choir can improve memory and thinking skills in older adults.
Both playing an instrument and singing are linked to better brain health, particularly executive function. [ more ]
4 months ago

Experts On Aging Reveal The 5 Major Habits That Will Improve Your Longevity

SuperAgers are adults over age 80 who have the memory capacity of individuals three decades younger.
SuperAgers have brains that resemble those of much younger people, with less brain volume loss compared to those with good longevity. [ more ]
1 month ago

neuroClues wants to put high speed eye tracking tech in the doctor's office | TechCrunch

Eyes can reveal brain health issues; neuroClues innovates eye-tracking for Parkinson's & more. [ more ]
2 months ago
OMG science

Scientists Find Human Brains Are Getting Larger and Larger

Bigger brains may help stave off dementia
Larger brains could be tied to improved brain health [ more ]
1 month ago
OMG science

Nocturnal Hot Flashes and Alzheimer's Risk

Nighttime vasomotor symptoms (VMS) during menopause may indicate a higher risk of Alzheimer's disease, highlighting the potential link between VMS and brain health. [ more ]
3 months ago

Luke O'Neill: How Viagra might bring even more joy by decreasing the risk of Alzheimer's disease

Viagra reduces risk of brain disease
Erectile dysfunction drug linked to lower risk of Alzheimer's disease [ more ]
BBC News
3 months ago

Men on Viagra may reduce their Alzheimer's risk - study

Taking drugs for erectile dysfunction may reduce the risk of Alzheimer's disease by 18%.
More research is needed to confirm the causal relationship between the drugs and Alzheimer's prevention. [ more ]
Alternative Medicine Magazine
1 month ago

Mind & Mood Boosting Nootropic Supplements

Roots Focus supplements combine caffeine and mushrooms for sustained vitality and focus, offering a unique alternative to traditional caffeinated beverages. [ more ]
3 months ago

Big brain boost? What science says about the power of nootropics to enhance our minds

The market for natural brain boosters, or nootropics, is valued at US$2.2bn and is projected to reach US$4.4bn by 2032.
There is limited scientific evidence to support the claims made by these brain-boosting supplements and products. [ more ]
Mail Online
1 month ago
OMG science

Scientists reveal how long YOU should walk to boost brain power

Walking for just 20 minutes can enhance brain function, improve decision-making, and reduce stress. [ more ]
3 months ago

Experts Reveal 4 Workouts That Will Improve Your Longevity

Exercise directly impacts all aspects of a healthy life.
Cardiovascular exercise is crucial for heart health and brain health. [ more ]
2 months ago

How Exercise Strengthens Your Brain

Exercise can spur the growth of new brain cells in mature mice, leading to potential benefits for neurodegenerative diseases.
Physical activity offers short-term boosts in cognition by increasing the release of neurotransmitters in the brain. [ more ]
Mail Online
2 months ago
Mental health

Scientists reveal why YOU should teach your old dog new tricks

Social enrichment like daily exercise and 'free play' can increase cognitive function in middle-aged dogs by 1.74% yearly.
High levels of behavioral enrichment through social interaction, exploration, exercise, and sensory stimulation can help increase the volume of the hippocampus in dogs. [ more ]
Mail Online
2 months ago

Gen Z and Alpha have larger brains than previous generations

Brain size has increased over generations due to external influences, potentially reducing dementia risk.
Younger generations have larger brains compared to those born in the 1930s, potentially linked to lower dementia risk. [ more ]
3 months ago

We Asked Doctors About Habits That Are Bad For Your Brain. Here's What They Had To Say

Fast food high in saturated fats and sugars can lead to dementia risk. Omega-3 fatty acids in diet improve brain health. Quality sleep is crucial for memory and brain health. [ more ]
3 months ago

6 Seemingly Harmless Habits That May Increase Your Risk Of Dementia

Regular alcohol consumption can lead to alcohol-related brain damage and increase the risk of dementia.
A diet high in ultra-processed foods can also increase the risk of dementia. [ more ]
2 months ago

COVID-19 Leaves Its Mark on the Brain. Significant Drops in IQ Scores Are Noted.

Brain fog is a significant health condition post-COVID-19, affecting concentration and clarity.
COVID-19 can lead to various brain health issues like headaches, strokes, and mental health disorders. [ more ]
3 months ago

Can Covid-19 Lead to Cognitive Decline? Here's What the Evidence Actually Shows

Brain fog is a significant health condition post-Covid.
Covid-19 can affect brain health in various ways. [ more ]
3 months ago

Research suggests COVID-19 affects brain age and IQ score

Brain fog is a common post-COVID health issue affecting mental clarity.
COVID-19 can have various impacts on brain health like memory problems and brain volume shrinkage. [ more ]
2 months ago

This 1 Hobby Is Great For An Aging Brain, According To A New Study

Playing a musical instrument can support cognitive health and memory, reducing the risk for age-related cognitive decline.
A large-scale study showed that musical training improves memory and lowers the risk for cognitive decline as people age. [ more ]
3 months ago
Mental health

Three things to know about your brain on menopause and how to navigate the changes

Menopause needs to be reframed as a neurological event not just a reproductive one.
Historically, there has been an underestimation of the menopause-brain connection due to ageism and sexism. [ more ]
Secret NYC
4 months ago
Mental health

Napping Daily Could Slow Your Brain From Shrinking With Age

Daily naps may help slow down brain decline as we age.
Taking a nap during the day can correlate with larger total brain volume. [ more ]
4 months ago
Artificial intelligence

Jim Kwik's Strategies for Upgrading Your Brain By Using AI | Entrepreneur

Embrace AI as a tool for augmentation, not replacement
AI can help optimize learning processes and unlock our brain's full potential [ more ]
4 months ago
Mental health

Not black and white: are crossword puzzles really good for your brain?

Crossword puzzles may help maintain cognitive function in older adults.
A positive mindset and engagement in mentally stimulating activities may contribute to brain health. [ more ]
4 months ago
Boston Bruins

Bruins' Brandon Carlo details his recovery back from latest concussion

Brandon Carlo has suffered his sixth documented concussion in his NHL career.
Carlo emphasizes the importance of brain health and taking concussions seriously. [ more ]
Berlin Startup Jobs
4 months ago
Growth hacking

Job Vacancy: Performance Marketing Lead / Head of Online Marketing // NeuroNation | Marketing & Communications Jobs | Berlin Startup Jobs

NeuroNation is a personalized training app that focuses on brain health and has been recognized with awards from health insurance companies and technology companies.
NeuroNation is seeking a team player with a background in performance marketing and an interest in digital health and games to lead paid growth campaigns for user acquisition. [ more ]
Chicago Tribune
4 months ago

Dr. John Walkup: Chicago's youths are yearning for adult support. Here's what we need to do.

Youth mental health concerns have been compounded by the impact of the pandemic on an already broken system.
Youths need engaging activities, strong communities, and outlets such as music and physical activity for their mental health and well-being. [ more ]
5 months ago

Take the test: New MGH study shows a high 'Brain Care Score' can lower risk of dementia, stroke

The McCance Center for Brain Health has developed a tool called Brain Care Score (BCS) that helps patients understand how their habits and health affect brain health.
Higher BCS is associated with a lower risk of dementia and stroke later in life, according to a new study. [ more ]
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