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3 weeks ago
Information security

Mysterious Hack Destroyed 600,000 Internet Routers

Revealed method to crack forgotten password to access $3 million in bitcoins [ more ]
TNW | Data-Security
3 weeks ago
Information security

Netherlands, France, and Germany lead 'largest ever' botnet sting

Operation Endgame led to arrests in botnet cybercrime scheme, uncovering millions in financial damages from ransomware. [ more ]
3 weeks ago
Information security

Mysterious Hack Destroyed 600,000 Internet Routers

Revealed method to crack forgotten password to access $3 million in bitcoins [ more ]
TNW | Data-Security
3 weeks ago
Information security

Netherlands, France, and Germany lead 'largest ever' botnet sting

Operation Endgame led to arrests in botnet cybercrime scheme, uncovering millions in financial damages from ransomware. [ more ]
3 weeks ago
Information security

Europol hits malware network in major cybercrime operation DW 05/30/2024

Global cyber police operation disrupts criminal services, arrests HVTs, and freezes illegal proceeds, impacting dropper ecosystem. [ more ]
7 months ago
Privacy professionals

Kaspersky's Advanced Persistent Threats Predictions for 2024

Existing APT techniques will continue to be used, and new ones will emerge such as the increase in AI usage and targeting of smart home tech.
Supply chain attacks and hacker-for-hire services may increase in the future.
APTs may expand their surveillance efforts to include smart home cameras and connected car systems. [ more ]
7 months ago
Privacy professionals

Kaspersky's Advanced Persistent Threats Predictions for 2024

Existing APT techniques will continue to be used, and new ones will emerge such as the increase in AI usage and targeting of smart home tech.
Supply chain attacks and hacker-for-hire services may increase in the future.
APTs may expand their surveillance efforts to include smart home cameras and connected car systems. [ more ]
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