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4 weeks ago
Left-wing politics

Migrant Border Crossings Are Dropping Rapidly. Is It Too Late to Help Biden?

Biden is facing challenges in his job performance for reelection due to issues with the economy and immigration, impacting his approval ratings significantly. [ more ]
Washington Post
4 months ago
Left-wing politics

Trump vs. Biden on immigration: 12 charts comparing U.S. border security

Illegal border crossings have reached the highest level ever under Biden's presidency.
Republicans are critical of Biden's handling of the surge and Trump is promising to crack down on immigration if elected. [ more ]
4 weeks ago
Left-wing politics

Migrant Border Crossings Are Dropping Rapidly. Is It Too Late to Help Biden?

Biden is facing challenges in his job performance for reelection due to issues with the economy and immigration, impacting his approval ratings significantly. [ more ]
Washington Post
4 months ago
Left-wing politics

Trump vs. Biden on immigration: 12 charts comparing U.S. border security

Illegal border crossings have reached the highest level ever under Biden's presidency.
Republicans are critical of Biden's handling of the surge and Trump is promising to crack down on immigration if elected. [ more ]
1 month ago
US news

Biden's new asylum rule would have 'minimal' impact on unauthorized border crossings

The new asylum rule by DHS under Biden's administration might not significantly impact unauthorized border crossings. [ more ]
1 day ago
US news

This is America? Migrants keep arriving at the border, despite tougher asylum rules

The article discusses how recent executive actions by President Biden are severely restricting asylum for migrants crossing the U.S.-Mexico border, but analysts believe these measures are short-term solutions without addressing root causes. [ more ]
1 month ago
US news

Biden's new asylum rule would have 'minimal' impact on unauthorized border crossings

The new asylum rule by DHS under Biden's administration might not significantly impact unauthorized border crossings. [ more ]
1 day ago
US news

This is America? Migrants keep arriving at the border, despite tougher asylum rules

The article discusses how recent executive actions by President Biden are severely restricting asylum for migrants crossing the U.S.-Mexico border, but analysts believe these measures are short-term solutions without addressing root causes. [ more ]
1 month ago
Left-wing politics

Biden and Mexico's President Vow Combined Action on Illegal Immigration

Both President Biden and the president of Mexico are aiming to prevent illegal immigration through joint efforts amidst intense political pressure. [ more ]
4 months ago
Europe politics

Protesting farmers block crossings on Dutch-Belgian border Europe live

Farmers meeting with Flemish officials to discuss demands following protests
Several border crossings between Belgium and the Netherlands blocked as farmers protest [ more ]
5 months ago
Europe news

Polish truckers agree to suspend border protest until March

Polish truck drivers have agreed to suspend their protest that had blocked some border crossings with Ukraine since November.
Their demands include reinstating a permit system for Ukrainian companies operating in the EU and excluding empty trucks from the electronic queueing system in Ukraine.
The suspension of the protest is temporary and the truck drivers have warned that they will return to the border if their demands are not met. [ more ]
The Hill
5 months ago
NYC politics

New York City mayor hits Texas governor over his 'mean-spiritedness' on immigrant crisis

NYC Mayor Eric Adams criticizes Texas Gov. Greg Abbott for his handling of the immigrant crisis.
Adams is taking legal action against charter companies involved in transporting migrants out of the city. [ more ]
6 months ago
Europe news

Finland to reopen two border crossings with Russia DW 12/12/2023

Finland will reopen two border crossings with Russia while keeping the rest closed to prevent asylum seekers from entering the country.
The border will be open until January 14, 2024, with the possibility of closing again if necessary. [ more ]
6 months ago
Europe politics

They don't want us': the Ukrainian lorry drivers facing Polish blockades

Polish lorry drivers have blocked three border crossings with Ukraine in protest.
The Polish drivers are demanding the EU to restore transport permit restrictions on Ukrainian drivers. [ more ]
6 months ago
Europe news

They don't want us': the Ukrainian lorry drivers facing Polish blockades

Polish lorry drivers have blocked three border crossings with Ukraine in protest.
The Polish drivers are demanding the EU to restore transport permit restrictions on Ukrainian drivers. [ more ]
6 months ago
Europe news

They don't want us': the Ukrainian lorry drivers facing Polish blockades

Polish lorry drivers have blocked three border crossings with Ukraine in protest.
The Polish drivers are demanding the EU to restore transport permit restrictions on Ukrainian drivers. [ more ]
7 months ago
Europe news

Finland's Russian community angry over border closures

Protesters in Helsinki are raising concerns about the closure of four border crossings with Russia, saying it cuts off access to relatives and creates a new 'Iron Curtain'.
Residents with relatives in Russia are worried they won't be able to visit or care for their family members.
Protesters support Finland's right to secure its borders, but don't believe the closures will be effective in stopping undocumented migrants. [ more ]
6 months ago
Europe news

They don't want us': the Ukrainian lorry drivers facing Polish blockades

Polish lorry drivers have blocked three border crossings with Ukraine in protest.
The Polish drivers are demanding the EU to restore transport permit restrictions on Ukrainian drivers. [ more ]
6 months ago
Europe news

They don't want us': the Ukrainian lorry drivers facing Polish blockades

Polish lorry drivers have blocked three border crossings with Ukraine in protest.
The Polish drivers are demanding the EU to restore transport permit restrictions on Ukrainian drivers. [ more ]
7 months ago
Europe news

Finland's Russian community angry over border closures

Protesters in Helsinki are raising concerns about the closure of four border crossings with Russia, saying it cuts off access to relatives and creates a new 'Iron Curtain'.
Residents with relatives in Russia are worried they won't be able to visit or care for their family members.
Protesters support Finland's right to secure its borders, but don't believe the closures will be effective in stopping undocumented migrants. [ more ]
7 months ago
Europe news

Most Finland-Russia border crossings to close

Finland is closing most of its border crossings with Russia due to an increase in migrants attempting to enter the country.
Finland accuses Russia of facilitating the transport of migrants, while Russia denies the allegations. [ more ]
7 months ago
Europe news

Frontex to send 50 more officers to guard Finland-Russia border

Finland will close most of its eastern border crossings with Russia due to a migrant crisis and accuses Russia of hybrid warfare tactics.
The European agency Frontex will deploy 50 officers to Finland's border with Russia to strengthen border control activities.
Finnish-Russian relations have deteriorated, and Russia is stepping up security in the border region. [ more ]
7 months ago
Europe news

Finland closes all but one of its borders with Russia

Finland is closing three of its four remaining border crossings with Russia due to concerns about a migration crisis orchestrated by Moscow.
The Kremlin has denied accusations that it encouraged the influx of migrants as a punishment for Finland joining NATO.
The remaining border crossing will be closely monitored to ensure the security of legal border traffic. [ more ]
7 months ago
Europe news

Finland's prime minister hints at further border action as Russia protests closings of crossings

Finland is considering taking further actions on its border with Russia after closing four border crossings to stem the increase in asylum-seekers.
Prime Minister Petteri Orpo stated that they will take more measures if there is no change and did not rule out closing more border crossings. [ more ]
7 months ago
Europe news

Russia lodges protest over Finland border closures DW 11/20/2023

Finland's president says it is impossible to return asylum seekers who do not meet protection criteria.
Russia has lodged a formal complaint over Finland's closure of four border crossings. [ more ]
New York Post
7 months ago
Europe news

Finland shuts down multiple border crossings to stop migrants coming from Russia: PM Petteri Orpo

Finland has shut down border crossings with Russia to prevent an influx of migrants from the Middle East and Africa.
The Finnish government believes that the Kremlin is sending these migrants in revenge for Finland joining NATO. [ more ]
7 months ago
Europe news

Most Finland-Russia border crossings to close

Finland is closing most of its border crossings with Russia due to an increase in migrants attempting to enter the country.
Finland accuses Russia of facilitating the transport of migrants, while Russia denies the allegations. [ more ]
7 months ago
Europe news

Frontex to send 50 more officers to guard Finland-Russia border

Finland will close most of its eastern border crossings with Russia due to a migrant crisis and accuses Russia of hybrid warfare tactics.
The European agency Frontex will deploy 50 officers to Finland's border with Russia to strengthen border control activities.
Finnish-Russian relations have deteriorated, and Russia is stepping up security in the border region. [ more ]
7 months ago
Europe news

Finland closes all but one of its borders with Russia

Finland is closing three of its four remaining border crossings with Russia due to concerns about a migration crisis orchestrated by Moscow.
The Kremlin has denied accusations that it encouraged the influx of migrants as a punishment for Finland joining NATO.
The remaining border crossing will be closely monitored to ensure the security of legal border traffic. [ more ]
7 months ago
Europe news

Finland's prime minister hints at further border action as Russia protests closings of crossings

Finland is considering taking further actions on its border with Russia after closing four border crossings to stem the increase in asylum-seekers.
Prime Minister Petteri Orpo stated that they will take more measures if there is no change and did not rule out closing more border crossings. [ more ]
7 months ago
Europe news

Russia lodges protest over Finland border closures DW 11/20/2023

Finland's president says it is impossible to return asylum seekers who do not meet protection criteria.
Russia has lodged a formal complaint over Finland's closure of four border crossings. [ more ]
New York Post
7 months ago
Europe news

Finland shuts down multiple border crossings to stop migrants coming from Russia: PM Petteri Orpo

Finland has shut down border crossings with Russia to prevent an influx of migrants from the Middle East and Africa.
The Finnish government believes that the Kremlin is sending these migrants in revenge for Finland joining NATO. [ more ]
7 months ago
Europe news

Poland in talks with Ukraine over trucker border crossing dispute

Polish truckers are in talks with Ukrainian officials over unregulated border crossings that are affecting their business.
Polish truckers want official permissions to be required of Ukrainian transport firms.
The Polish protest movement is demanding the unblocking of the border and speedier procedures on the Ukrainian side. [ more ]
Washington Post
3 weeks ago
Left-wing politics

Biden announces new asylum cap in bid to deter illegal crossings

President Biden introduces measures to restrict asylum for migrants during high border crossings, aiming to address reelection vulnerabilities. [ more ]
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