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LogRocket Blog
3 months ago
Web development

Exploring Tailwind Oxide - LogRocket Blog

Tailwind CSS introduced Tailwind Oxide, an evolution of the CSS framework.
Tailwind CSS filled the gap between custom CSS and toolkits like Bootstrap, providing pre-defined classes for flexibility. [ more ]
5 months ago
Web development

Top 5 CSS Frameworks in 2024

Bootstrap is a mobile-first CSS framework with a responsive grid system and pre-built components.
Tailwind CSS is a utility-first CSS framework that provides low-level utility classes for customizable designs. [ more ]
LogRocket Blog
3 months ago
Web development

Exploring Tailwind Oxide - LogRocket Blog

Tailwind CSS introduced Tailwind Oxide, an evolution of the CSS framework.
Tailwind CSS filled the gap between custom CSS and toolkits like Bootstrap, providing pre-defined classes for flexibility. [ more ]
5 months ago
Web development

Top 5 CSS Frameworks in 2024

Bootstrap is a mobile-first CSS framework with a responsive grid system and pre-built components.
Tailwind CSS is a utility-first CSS framework that provides low-level utility classes for customizable designs. [ more ]
jQuery Script
4 months ago
Web development

Show/Hide Password Field Text with jQuery and Bootstrap

Supports Bootstrap 3, 4, and 5 frameworks.
Easy setup with plugin initialization and customization options. [ more ]
jQuery Script
5 months ago
Web design

Create Slick Animated Circular Progress Bars with jQuery & Bootstrap

This is a lightweight jQuery plugin that adds animated circular progress bars to your Bootstrap-based web pages and applications.
You can control the circle size, progress value, bar color, background color, and thickness easily through the API. [ more ]
jQuery Script
2 weeks ago

Mobile-friendly Carousel Plugin For Bootstrap 5/4 - Silderable

Silderable is a useful jQuery and Bootstrap plugin for touch-enabled carousels, ideal for displaying portfolios or product listings. [ more ]
jQuery Script
4 months ago
Web development

Show/Hide Password Field Text with jQuery and Bootstrap

Supports Bootstrap 3, 4, and 5 frameworks.
Easy setup with plugin initialization and customization options. [ more ]
jQuery Script
5 months ago
Web design

Create Slick Animated Circular Progress Bars with jQuery & Bootstrap

This is a lightweight jQuery plugin that adds animated circular progress bars to your Bootstrap-based web pages and applications.
You can control the circle size, progress value, bar color, background color, and thickness easily through the API. [ more ]
jQuery Script
2 weeks ago

Mobile-friendly Carousel Plugin For Bootstrap 5/4 - Silderable

Silderable is a useful jQuery and Bootstrap plugin for touch-enabled carousels, ideal for displaying portfolios or product listings. [ more ]
jQuery Script
4 months ago
Web development

Minimal Toast Notification Plugin For Bootstrap - jQuery Bootoast

Bootoast is a jQuery plugin that uses Bootstrap alerts to create toast messages.
Some of the key features of Bootoast include custom themes, positions, and notification icons. [ more ]
LogRocket Blog
5 months ago
Web development

Bootstrap adoption guide: Overview, examples, and alternatives - LogRocket Blog

Bootstrap is a CSS framework that provides pre-styled components and layouts for web development.
Bootstrap was originally created by Mark Otto and Jacob Thornton at Twitter in 2011 and has evolved over the years, with Bootstrap v5 abandoning jQuery in favor of vanilla JavaScript. [ more ]
LogRocket Blog
6 months ago
Web design

Exploring the shift from CSS-in-JS to headless UI libraries - LogRocket Blog

Web UI development has evolved over time, with tools like SASS, Bootstrap, and Tailwind making it more efficient and accessible.
Headless UI components are a recent trend in web design, offering greater flexibility and efficiency. [ more ]
jQuery Script
7 months ago
Web design

Validate Bootstrap Forms In A Snap With jQuery

Easy way to implement client-side form validation in Bootstrap projects using a lightweight jQuery plugin.
Validation rules can be set using HTML5 data attributes on form fields. [ more ]
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