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3 days ago

Clues from bird flu's ground zero on dairy farms in the Texas panhandle

The delayed detection of a highly pathogenic strain of bird flu virus in Texas dairy cattle highlighted the risk of mutations that could lead to human transmission. [ more ]
1 month ago

One in Five Milk Samples Nationwide Shows Genetic Traces of Bird Flu

Federal regulators found bird flu virus fragments in 20% of retail milk samples, indicating a more extensive outbreak than officially reported. [ more ]
Los Angeles Times
1 month ago

Federal government 'believes' virus found in grocery store milk is safe for consumption

Federal officials reassure the public that the nation's milk supply is safe despite remnants of bird flu virus found, as pasteurization inactivates the virus. [ more ]
1 week ago

Bird Flu Virus Found in Beef Tissue

Bird flu virus found in tissue of sick dairy cow raises concerns about commercial beef supply safety; U.S.D.A assures existing safety measures. [ more ]
Fast Company
1 month ago

Grocery store milk tests positive for bird flu virus, according to FDA

The FDA detected remnants of bird flu virus in pasteurized milk samples, but the material is inactivated and does not pose a risk to consumers. [ more ]
1 month ago

Remnants of bird flu virus found in pasteurised milk, US says

Most infected cattle recover within two weeks; FDA found bird flu remnants in milk but assured it's inactive and not a risk to consumers. [ more ]
1 month ago

Remnants of the bird flu virus have been found in pasteurized milk, the FDA says

The FDA found remnants of bird flu virus in pasteurized milk from infected dairy cows, but stated it was inactivated and not a risk to consumers. [ more ]
1 month ago

Fragments of Bird Flu Virus Discovered in Milk

Viral remnants of bird flu found in milk are inactive and pose little risk to consumers. [ more ]
4 weeks ago

New Mutations Identified in Bird Flu Virus

The bird flu virus in dairy farms is acquiring mutations potentially aiding cross-species spreading and reducing drug susceptibility, increasing the risk of human transmission. [ more ]
1 month ago
OMG science

Pasteurized Dairy Foods Free of Live Bird Flu, Federal Tests Confirm

Pasturization of dairy products is effective against bird flu virus, but the scope of the outbreak in cattle remains unclear. [ more ]
1 month ago

Federal Officials Find No Live Bird Flu Virus in Initial Milk Tests

Federal regulators have not found live bird flu virus in retail milk samples, indicating the pasteurization process is effective in ensuring milk safety. [ more ]
3 months ago

Top 10 most dangerous viruses in the world DW 02/26/2024

COVID-19's fatality rate is low compared to other viruses like Marburg and Ebola.
Various viruses like Hantavirus, Bird flu virus, and Lassa virus pose significant threats with high mortality rates. [ more ]
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